Difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive

Many moms wonder: “What is the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive?” When mothers get their first baby, they ask themselves several times just one question “which one should I choose, breastfeeding program or bottle-feeding program? which one between both of them has the best benefit for my little one? And after they know from their doctors that the best nutrition and the best benefit for their babies are definitely in breastfeeding, they make their choice. Some of the mothers get comfort by this decision and the others don’t regard several reasons as they are working every day for several hours that make them spend most of the time outside the home and comes late at night.

Some of them are for cosmetic reasons. Each one of them has their own reason but most of them decided to switch to the bottle feeding program.

For most of them that decide to switch to bottle-feeding programs whatever their reason is, their next step is to decide which brand of formula to buy ? Which one is closest to breast milk in its nutrition and benefit? 

Of course, it will not have the same nutrition and the same immunity that breast milk provides but at least some of its benefits or to be close to it. After the mother chooses her favorite brand, she needs to choose an individual type of formula from this brand and never change it until she asks her doctor’s recommendation.

That’s why it is a hard decision to make depending on your baby’s health and his sensitivity. and if he is preterm or full term.

One of those brands is Similac baby formula, what is this formula brand? What are the types of this formula? What is the Similac pro advance? What are the five top differences between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these formulas?

In this article, we will answer all of these questions and more so that you will never get confused anymore by your choices and feel comfortable with your own decision.

And we will talk about the main Difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive.

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Difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive

First of all, what do you think the Similac pro advance is?

Before we know the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive we should know what is this formula

It is a baby formula that is formed of human milk oligosaccharide (HMO) which is designed in a way that gives your baby the nutrition and the immunity that he needs. It is formed of several integrants that help to support the growth and development of the baby’s brain eyes, and cognition.

 the integrants of the Similac pro advance formula are:

  • Vitamin E: which is considered to be an important factor in cognitive and intellectual development.
  • DHA: to support the brain and eye.
  • Lutein: works on eye development.
  • Calcium: to support bone development.
  • Prebiotics and carotenoids: support the digestion of this formula.

What is Similac pro sensitive good for?

Before you know what is Similac pro sensitive good for you to know what it is made of?

It is the first baby formula that is formed of 2’-FL human milk oligosaccharides(2’-FL HMO) that are similar to that which is found in breast milk that strengthens the baby’s immunity and helps in growth and development.

What makes it different?

Those points make the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive:

  • It is designed particularly for babies who are sensitive tummies to lactose sugar or the babies that have lactose intolerance and make gases and flatness due to this sensitivity but not for babies who have galactosemia.
  • It is number one to be trusted by mothers at home and number one to be trusted by doctors at hospitals as the statistics proved that is the most to be used in the U.S.A.
  • It contains DHA, lutein, and vitamin E that are presented in breast milk and are very important in the eye and cognitive development of the baby.

That’s why the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive are presented.

How to know if your baby should use the Similac pro sensitive or not?

Do you know the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive?

If the number of times of stools per day is increasing more than the usual number (diarrhea) and if gases and flutes are present as well.

Some reviews said that they switch from the advanced to the sensitive one hoping that it will help with the digestive and gases issues but, it doesn’t and it completely does the opposite, the baby stopped exerting any stools knowing that his normal way of exertion was from two to four times per day.

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Difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive

Many moms wonder: “What is the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive?” When mothers get their first baby, they ask themselves ...


How is Similac sensitive different?

Also,those points show the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive .

To know How is Similac sensitive different from the other regular infant formula, you need to know that the regular formula does not protect against the sensitivity toward the lactose sugar but, Similac sensitive doses because it is designed particularly for babies who have lactose intolerance issue that can’t digest the normal or the regular formula that the other babies can.

Some infants are more sensitive to milk proteins as they have sensitive stomachs than the others, which do for them irritations due to gases and flatuses that come out and due to splitting up. But, this formula gets rid of all of these irritations.

You need also to know :

What are the Similac pro sensitive ingredients?

To know the Difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive, you should know the ingredients about similac pro sensitive.

  • Two-FL HMO prebiotic: this integrant is designed to help the immune system of the baby to be stronger and more active than before.
  • It contains DHA, lutein, and vitamin E that are also presented in breast milk that works on the eye and brain development and improves the cognitive and intellectual functions of the newborn.
  • It contains a palm olein-free blend that provides the newborn with excellent calcium absorption to strengthen the bone and to help in the growth development, and the movement of the baby as by a good calcium absorption protect the baby from rickets that is associated with bow legs, knock knees pigeons chest, rosary bead appearance, craniotabes, box-shaped skull, delayed dentition, wide anterior fontanelle, anemia and pallor, kyphosis, scoliosis, recurrent chest infections and many other deformities that are associated with calcium malabsorption.
  • Similac pro sensitive product does not also contain artificial growth hormones and is also a NON-GMO means integrand which is not genetically engineered.
  • Some other integrants such as corn syrup, ferrous sulfate are needed as a supplement in the first few months to prevent any anemia and improve the growth of the baby.
  • ascorbyl palmitate,vitaminD3, vitaminB12 which help to build up the nervous system and blood cell and enter in the syntheses of DNA of all the body cells.
  •  One of the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive that Similac pro sensitive contains soy oil, copper sulfate, magnesium phosphate, and magnesium chloride, folic acid, and nucleotides.
  •  It also contains riboflavin which helps in red blood cell production and helps the release of energy from proteins, biotin is important in hair growth and protects against hair fall.
  • Similac pro sensitive also contains high oleic safflower oil, coconut oil, potassium chloride.
  • Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is important in the absorption of iron, collagen synthesis, improving the function of the immune system, bone and teeth development, repairing and healing all the body tissues, and maintenance of cartilage.
  • zinc sulfate, calcium pantothenate, and lycopene which are presented in the red plants and have antioxidant properties, also protect the cardiovascular system, protect against sunburns, and fight against specific types of cancers.
  • It also contains niacinamide or vitamin B3 which is important in general skin health as it protects against acne and eczema, protects against sun damage, treats hyperpigmentation, regulates oil, decreases the appearance of pores, reduces inflammations, reduces the appearance of fine lines, and wrinkles and works as a lipid barrier.
  • One of the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive contain L-carnitine that helps the body to turn fats into energy, protect against serious renal, heart, and blood vessel diseases.it is also used with an overactive thyroid.

All of these integrants also make the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive.

What is the difference between similac pro advance and similac pro sensitive?

After you know the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive you need

To know what is the difference between Similac advance and Similac pro sensitive you need to put highlights on their integrants. it may not make any difference to some parents but, for others, this difference makes their decisions whether to choose the Similac advance or the pro sensitive one according to their baby’s sensitivity to these integrants.

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similac neosure vs enfamil enfacare taste test

The main difference is that:

  • Similac advance is based on milk while the Similac pro sensitive is based on milk protein which is isolated from milk.
  • Similac advance is produced for the infant that doesn’t have any sensitivity toward lactose while Similac pro sensitive is made particularly for the infant that cannot tolerate lactose.
  • Similac advance contains about eleven grams of lactose while the sensitive one contains zero grams of lactose.

Similac pro sensitive Costco:

Similac pro sensitive Costco holds the regular Similac formula under the Kirkland brand which is one of the Costco brands that are sold by this company on their website. 

This is how you will know the Difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive.

Kirkland brands are formed and packaged from the same manufacturer that the Similac formula is synthesized and packaged from. you need also to know that the Kirkland brand is one hundred percent made from the Similac formula.

They also allow the purchasing of the Similac pro sensitive formula on their website:

What is the Similac pro total comfort?

After you begin to know the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive you need also , make up your mind on other types.

Is also one of the Similac formula products that work to strengthen the baby’s immune system and is easy to be digested by your little baby.

Its advantages:

When we talk about Difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive, we sould mention the main advantages:

  • After one day of use, mothers recommended it because it minimizes fussiness, irritation, gases, and crying of the baby to zero levels.
  • Similac pro total comfort helps to support and strengthen your baby’s immune system as it contains two-FL HMO and prebiotics.
  • It avoids any bony deformities that may happen to your baby because there is not enough calcium in his nutrition, even if there is enough calcium the problem is in the absorption of this calcium. But, thanks to the palm olein-free blend that is presented in this Similac pro total comfort it gives an excellent calcium absorption to your baby’s body to help in their growth and development.
  • This formula is the regular Similac formula, it is devoid of any artificial growth hormones and is also NON- GMO means that the integrants of this formula are not based on genetic engineering.

You need to know that all of these advantages are presented at all types of Similac formula products and no difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive in these points.

One amazon website:

What is the difference between Similac pro sensitive vs sensitive?

After we have known the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive, we should also talk about the difference between Similac pro sensitive vs sensitive:

  • Both of them work with babies who are irritated by fussiness and gases. 
  • Similac sensitivity formula formed by the regular and the standard composition while the pro sensitive one has additional probiotics.
  • Similac sensitive has a little bit more lactose than the pro sensitive one.
  • Carbohydrates that are presented in Similac sensitive is higher than that is presented in the pro sensitive formula,
  • Similac sensitive ones are genetically engineered while the pro sensitive ones have been designed with NON-GMO integrants.
  • Similac sensitive costs are much more than the pro sensitive ones which are more affordable.

These was the Difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive.


What are those formulae?

Similac Sensitive formula:

Did you ask yourself what is the Difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive?

It is the formula that has been designed particularly for those people who have sensitive tummies.

It is said that it also can be used with babies who have galactosemia as it is a type of lactose intolerance. 

But, you still need to talk with your doctor’s recommendations before you use it as they didn’t verify yet that this formula can be used in those circumstances. 

This formula hasn’t been recalled as the Similac pro-sensitive formula.

Similac pro sensitive:

Do you want to know the Difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive?

This formula is the Similac sensitive version with the same integrants and the same purpose, the only difference between them is that the pro sensitive version is not genetically engineered and does not contain any artificial hormones that is why it is called NON-GMO.

Similac pro sensitivity has been recalled before due to the presence of insects in it.

So, after all of that, you have now enough knowledge of the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive and, the difference between Similac pro sensitive vs sensitive version.

Can you use Similac sensitive and pro sensitive?

After we know the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive, can you use Similac sensitive and pro sensitive?

The answer to this question is dependent on your doctor as you need to take your doctor’s consultation.

But, Both of them are safe for lactose-sensitive babies as a lot of parents find both of them great as it finally eliminates the gases and flatness and the irritation of their babies who are lactose intolerant and have a sensitive stomach.

But which one is better?

After we showed the Difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive, what should you choose?

The pro sensitive one is much better than the regular sensitive one as in addition that it has the same standard integrants and strengthen the child immunity as the Similac sensitive but it is also devoid of ant artificial hormones but, the dilemma her is not in its content but, in its cost as it costs much more than the regular one.

Can we mix them?

When You ask about the Difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive, I think you will also ask if you can mix it?

Yes, it is safe to mix both of them but only if you follow the instructions of the mixture and calculate the right ounces of both of them. 

Similac pro sensitive reviews:

After we knew the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive, here are some of the Similac pro sensitive reviews:

  • I purchase this product according to my doctor’s recommendation four months ago and I used it as my baby did not have any problem with it buy, yesterday I read the integrants and I did find that this formula its first main integrants is corn syrup and I don’t like to nourish my baby by this sugar.
  • It is a good product, my wife and I bought it and since we bought it our child is no longer a breastfeeder as this formula is very suitable for her in addition that reduces her gases and this is a big plus. But, one thing that makes me give this product four instead of five is that the pull tap needed to be fixed upon the sealer.
  • It causes a lot of foams after I shake the bottle than the standard product does and this is kind of annoying.

There reviews on amazon:


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similac neosure vs enfamil infant

Difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive

To summarize up:

  • The difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive is that the pro sensitive one is used for the babies who have tummies and sensitive stomach while the Similac pro advance is used for the normal babies who do not have any health issues.
  • What also makes the difference between Similac pro advance and Similac pro sensitive that the last can be used with lactose intolerance babies and can be used also with babies who have galactosemia.
  • Similac pro advance is much better than the normal product it is devoid of any artificial hormones and it is not genetically engineered that is why they called it NON-GMO.
  • Baby brezza formula setting helps to  prepare your baby bottle in no time without you having to do anything but a simple push of a button.

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New and Improved Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced Formula Dispenser Machine - Automatically Mix a Warm Formula Bottle Instantly - Easily Make Bottle with Automatic Powder Blending

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as of March 22, 2025 6:53 am


  • Most advanced way to automatically make a warm, formula bottle instantly. More accurate, consistent, hygienic & faster than hand scooping.
  • Patented mixing technology automatically mixes formula & water to the perfect consistency. Works with virtually all formula brands & all bottle brands/sizes. For accurate dispensing, clean the mixing funnel after every 4th bottle or buy a spare funnel
  • Fully customizable – choose 1 ounce increments between 2-10 ounces, 3 temperature settings and formula/water or water only dispensing
  • Air-tight formula storage
  • 1-year limited warranty (not valid on purchases shipped outside US); BPA-FREE; UL Listed; Works with 120 volt outlets; Current: 2.5A

Baby Brezza Instant Warmer - Instantly Dispenses Warm Water at Perfect Baby Bottle Temperature - Replaces Traditional Baby Bottle Warmers

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as of March 22, 2025 6:53 am


  • - Revolutionary way to instantly warm formula bottles - no more waiting 3-5 minutes to warm a bottle with a traditional warmer
  • - Dispenses warm water on demand 24-7 and maintains warm temperature all day and night
  • - Customize with 3 temperature settings: body temperature, warmer than body temperature, room temperature
  • - Easy dispensing: just press the lever. Works with all brands and types of bottles

Baby Brezza Small Baby Food Maker Set – Cooker and Blender in One to Steam and Puree Baby Food for Pouches - Make Organic Food for Infants and Toddlers - Includes 3 Pouches and 3 Funnels

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as of March 22, 2025 6:53 am


  • COOKS AND BLENDS IN 1 STEP: Steam and automatically blend foods with the push of a button in one bowl. No transfer after cooking required
  • Makes homemade baby food in as little as 10 minutes for every stage of development including purees and mashes
  • COMPLETE SYSTEM TO MAKE, STORE & SERVE BABY FOOD: Includes 3.5 cup capacity bowl with 3 reusable food pouches and filling funnels for serving and storing baby food. Care note : Hand Wash
  • EASY TO CLEAN: Steam tank can be opened completely for easy cleaning. Bowl and blade are dishwasher-safe
  • EASY TO USE: Includes easy to use control panel and removable water tank for easy filling

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