What do you need to know about Similac pro advance vs sensitive?

Many parents wonder: “What is the difference between Similac pro advance vs sensitive?”

By delivering the first baby , a lot of mothers from the start decided to go through the bottle feeding program. Regarding their lifestyle, regarding their work, or even regarding medical issues that do not allow them to breastfeed their babies.

Nothing beats breastfeeding. But, many things oblige mothers to take the second choice. This also ends up nourishing their babies as well.

But, when they go to the markets they find a lot of brands with different types which make them confused. They do not know which is suitable for their babies regarding their health and regarding their immunities?. Which type of formula are they sensitive to so that they could avoid it?

In this article we will talk about one brand which is the Similac formula. One of the most popular brands in the bottle formula world. 

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What Do You Need to Know About Similac Pro Advance Vs Sensitive?

Welcome to another #Similac #comparison video. We'll look at the #SimilacProAdvance and the #SimilacSensitive. We'll look at #both #products separately, ...

We will talk about the different types of formula that this Similac formula brand gives to people. What are the pros and cons of those formulae?. which is suitable for your little one according to his health issues? and more than that, you can reach your final decision and never change your formula anymore. 

First of all,

What is the main difference between Similac pro advance vs sensitive?

The main difference between Similac pro advance vs sensitive that:

  • The advanced formula is a milk-based formula while the sensitive one is a protein isolate instead of milk.
  • The Similac advance is created for the babies that do not have any sensitivity toward a type of carbohydrates called lactose. The sensitive one  is formed specifically for the babies who are sensitive to this type of sugar and they are called “lactose intolerance babies”.
  • And because of this main difference, the advanced one has eleven grams of lactose per one hundred kilocalories. The sensitive formula contains zero point one gram of lactose per one hundred kilo calories. THIS does not affect sensitive babies.

Now after we know the main difference between Similac pro advance vs sensitive, let’s talk about each topic separately.

Similac pro advance overview

Similac pro advance is an infant formula that was designed for normal babies who do not have any sensitivity to word lactose or even galactose as they do not have any sensitive tummies.

What are the features of Similac pro advance?

  • It contains two – FL human milk oligosaccharides which are prebiotic that help to build up and strengthen the immune system of the newborn to be close to natural breast milk integrants and in what it gives for the babies to strengthen their immunities.
  •  It contains DHA, lutein, and vitamin E and those are integrants that support the brain and do help in eye development.
  • By this formula, you can ensure the strength of your son’s bone as it contains palm olein oil the provide an excellent absorption of the serum calcium in their bones so that, it could prevent any health issues as the softness of bones or which is called rickets that causes a lot of  deformities as bow leg, knock knees, craniotabes,kyphosis, scoliosis or even recurrent chest infections. 
  • Similac formula is the first brand that provides integrants without any artificial growth hormones. they  also called it NON-GMO. That means that the milk that comes from cows is not  genetically engineered. a lot of mothers prefer this way.
  • One of the greatest things that we should mention about this formula. It is available at any time and any place. so, if you run out of formulas you could just go to any drug store  application .They will deliver it to you as fast as possible.
  • But, despite the advantages of this formula, it is so expensive .This is when we compare it  to other brands in the market. so, if you are searching for something in the long run, this is not your best choice.
  • In addition, it is not the best choice for the newborn but it fits children from six to twelve months.
  • It is close to breast milk in integrants and nutrients.
  • mothers did choose it as brand one  in the total United States formula.


  • The powder of the Similac advance formula dissolves very fast and quickly. This happened  when mixed up with a suitable amount of water.
  • Similac advance tastes like breast milk.
  • It contains DHA, lutein, and Vitamin E that provides the growth and development of your baby’s eye and brain.
  • We can say that this formula could replace breastfeed in the first year of life.


  • This formula is so expensive when we compare it  to the other brands’ formula.
  • Not all babies could absorb this type of formula that easily due to their sensitive stomachs.
  • It does not provide all the vitamins that the infant needs in his first life.

To take more pieces information you can visit their website on amazon:

After we talk about the features, pros and cons of Similac pro advance . This is to show you part of the picture between Similac pro advance vs sensitive .We will also overview to you about Similac sensitive formula so that you could choose the best for your child regarding his health.

Similac sensitive overview

How did they design similac sensitive ?

They designed Similac sensitive  in a professional way for specific kinds of infants that have sensitive tummies and stomachs.

This sensitivity is to a specific kind of carbohydrate called lactose. It causes gases and fussiness that irritate them and make them unable to eat or even digest well. 

This will lead to severe dehydration and malnutrition which in turn leads to delay in growth and development. 

They isolate  milk protein in this sensitive type of formula  instead of milk.  This means that it contains zero lactose.so, they did design it  specifically for infants that have an allergy to cow milk or any other dairy.

Have similac sensitive vs advance the same criteria?

They designed Similac sensitive  in a way to mimic breast milk. 

So, both of them have the same taste and texture of breast milk. Both of them also have almost the same integrants as DHA, lutein, and vitamin E for growth and development of the eye and the brain.They  also improve the baby’s cognitive functions. 

They also contain two-FL human Milk Oligosaccharides that work on the intellectual functions of your little one.

There is a difference between Similac pro advance vs Similac sensitive in lactose integrant. But, both of them mimic iron integrants. Similac pro advance vs pro sensitive contains iron as in breast milk in a very little amount.this is  to prevent anemia to develop in your baby in the first year of life. And because of this iron deficiency in breast milk. 

American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that infants who depend on breast milk exclusively in the first year of life should take one milligram of the iron supplement. They should take it every day starting from the fourth month of birth. 

But fortunately, Similac pro sensitive vs advance is already fortified by iron supplements. And this is also a key similarity between Similac pro sensitive vs Similac pro advance.

There are some rumors that Similac pro advance vs Similac sensitive both of them cause constipation to the newborns. But, this is rare. There is the variability of the occurrence of this constipation depending on the tolerability of the babies to this type of formula. 

What are the features of Similac sensitive?

  • Similac sensitive vs pro advance are devoid of any artificial growth hormones and these criteria are preferred by a lot of mothers who want to nourish their babies on an organic formula with natural contents.
  • Similac sensitive is a milk protein where people did isolate it instead of milk. so, that means that they removed lactose integrand from it.
  •  They designed Similac Sensitives specially  for lactose intolerant babies.
  • Similac pro advance vs sensitive both of them contains two- FL human Milk oligosaccharides .This works to support, develop and strengthen the newborns’ immunity.
  • most moms did choose it as the first brand in the U.S.
  • Similac pro advance vs sensitive has the OptiGRO features. that mean that they contain lutein, DHA, and vitamin E. They work on the growth and development of the brain and eye.
  • Similac ready to feed pro sensitive vs pro advance.


  • Now, mothers can  prepare and use Similac sensitive very easily.
  • It is inexpensive and more affordable than the other brands in the drug stores or markets.
  • Similac pro advance vs sensitive makes babies able to get rid of the irritant fussiness. And they are also able to get rid of  gases in the newborns.
  • Most parents accept and prefer Its nutritional content and value .
  • Now, It is available in different sizes and forms.


  • Although it is less expensive than its pro formula, it still costs a lot more than many other brands.
  • The difference between Similac pro advance vs sensitive is that the last does not contain any of the prebiotic integrants.
  • People thought that similac sensitive causes constipation.
  • Similac sensitive has a strong taste that makes it rejected by some babies if they cannot endure this taste.
  • Children or infants who have galactosemia cannot use similac sensitive.

You can visit their account on the amazon website:

Similac pro advance vs pro sensitive what is the difference?

Drug stores and the formula markets have many brands but, just a few of them are considered to be a good option for parents who want their babies to grow in good health and well. 

 Many parents consider Similac the axis of trust with its different types. It is one of the high-quality products in the market. 

It is among the most popular formulas that parents trust. This formula did exist for a long period and was available in all markets. parents don’t need to change the type of formula according to its availability. This is not good for the baby’s health. 

Similac pro advance vs pro sensitive what is the difference?

To answer this question, we need to talk about the Similac pro advance vs Similac pro advance sensitive. compare between Similac pro advance vs sensitive vs neosure, or even Similac advance vs Similac pro sensitive. And their presence in the formula market. 

So that, you could know well which type is suitable for your baby and continue on this type until the time of weaning.

The difference between those formulae is not that big as they have almost the same integrants as beta carotene, lutein, potassium citrate, calcium carbonates, ascorbic acid, soy lecithin, magnesium chloride, ferrous sulfate, vitamin B twelve, biotin, riboflavin, sodium selenate, vitamin D3, and many other integrands that are presented in all types of this brand that is very important for you babies health and immunity.

But, this brand offers a specific type of formula. They made it specifically for sensitive tummies and newborns that have lactose intolerance.

So, they manufactured the Similac sensitive formula that is devoid of lactose or even has a very small amount. This will not harm the sensitive babies or cause any allergic reaction to them.

This was the main difference between Similac formula pro advance vs pro sensitive.Similac advance pro vs Similac sensitive. Similac pro advanced vs pro sensitive.

That was also the main difference between Similac pro advance sensitive vs sensitive.

Between Similac pro advance vs sensitive, or even Similac pro advance sensitive vs Similac sensitive.

Similac pro advance vs pro sensitive ingredients

Similac pro advance is considered to be a regular formula that has the main integrands as many other normal formulae that are based on cow milk. 

But, even with this regular formula, some babies cannot endure it. So, they designed the pro sensitive specifically for them.

Similac pro sensitive depends on nonfat milk. The protein source is whey, the carbohydrate source is lactose, and they consider the vegetable oil in it as a fat source. The rest of the integrands mimic the advanced formula.

But on the other hand, Similac pro sensitive is not a regular formula and does not form with normal integrals. They did design it specifically for sensitive tummies and lactose intolerance babies. That is the reason why this formula does not use cow milk. What they did here is that they took the milk protein and isolated it from the cow milk. and it’s all other integrations including lactose which is the carbohydrate source.

They designed this formula to replace lactose by corn syrup as a carbohydrate source and other sugar types. They put this corn syrup  at the beginning of the integration. That means that it takes the main bulk of the integration.

For the fat sources, there is soy and coconut oil and high oleic sunflower oil. Between  Similac pro advance vs pro sensitive ingredients,that was the main difference. Similac sensitive vs Similac pro advance.

One of the Similac pro sensitive websites:

Similac pro advance sensitive vs Enfamil gentlease 

The main difference is that Enfamil gentlease is less expensive and more affordable than Similac pro advance sensitive. 

Enfamil gentlease is made of lactose particles. Manufacture did break it into particles. It helps in its absorption in the sensitive stomachs. While the sensitive formula contains a very small amount of formula that will not affect the sensitive babies.

Those were the main two differences between Similac pro advance sensitive vs Enfamil gentlease

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To summarize up

  • Similac pro advance vs sensitive is similar in the mainline of integrands except in the presence of lactose.
  • The advanced formula is based on lactose carbohydrates, so it is prepared as a regular and normal formula that fits just the normal babies while the sensitive one was designed for sensitive tummies.
  • Similac pro advance vs sensitive is fortified by iron to prevent the development of anemia.
  • Similac sensitive contains corn syrup which is the main carbohydrate source in Similac sensitive formula instead of lactose.
  • Enfamil gentlease is made of broken lactose particles to be absorbed easily while Similac sensitive is lactose-free.
  • Similac pro advance vs sensitive contains lutein, DHA, and vitamin E that support eye and brain development.
  • All types of Similac formula brands contain two-FL human Milk oligosaccharides that are very important to strengthen and support the infant and child immune system in their first year of life.
  • Other integrands as riboflavin, vitamin B three, vitamin B twelve, potassium chloride, ferrous sulfate, magnesium chloride, soy oil, coconut oil, biotin, sodium selenate and are also fortified by iron.


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