All you need to know about baby brezza formula settings

Baby Brezza Formula Settings are one of the most known formula maker machines. If you are using that machine for your baby formula preparation, then you must be familiar with the baby brezza formula settings, whether it’s baby brezza formula pro setting or baby brezza formula pro advanced settings. But if you’re not, this article is for you. Here, we will explain the different settings in both machines, plus the different baby brezza settings for the formula of many brands. With this guide you’ll have everything you need to know and more, so keep reading.

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Baby brezza formula pro 

Baby brezza formula pro is one of the best baby formula makers available on the market, it’s a great help when you have a lot to do, like if you’re working or have multiple babies. This machine is designed for you to prepare your baby bottle in no time without you having to do anything but a simple push of a button.

This machine has a container that you fill with formula and another one for water, and according to the type of formula you use, you adjust the baby brezza formula powder setting just once and the machine prepares the perfect formula

So, you no longer need to worry whether your formula is too diluted or too lumpy, as Baby Brezza Formula Settings target formula setting will always meet your expectations.

Baby brezza formula pro advanced 

Baby brezza formula pro advanced is the newer version of the previous one mentioned above. This formula milk prep machine has many better features, for example:

  • Baby Brezza Formula Settings pro advanced has a better design that takes less space on your counter; as the original design of baby brezza pro had the water tank on its side, while in this one it’s removed to the back of the machine.
  • Baby brezza formula pro advance powder setting is better than the baby brezza pro, as the numbers are easier to deal with as we will explain later.
  • Baby brezza advanced is faster than baby brezza pro as it can prepare your baby milk in 13s instead of 20s.
  • Baby brezza formula advanced is quieter than baby brezza pro, which can save you from waking up your baby in the middle of the night.
  • Baby brezza formula pro advanced has some features that weren’t available on baby brezza pro, like the different water temperature options, and the water only option.

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Baby brezza formula setup 

Baby brezza setup is pretty easy. When you first use the machine, you’ll notice different options in both machines; in Baby Brezza Formula Settings pro there is an Ounce button to choose the bottle feed size and the Temperature light that flashes when the water isn’t warm enough. 

As for baby brezza formula pro advanced there are few more options in addition to the previous one, which includes the Temperatures button that enables you to choose the temperature of the water, and the most important baby brezza pro advanced formula setting numbers that you adjust according to the type of your formula.

baby brezza formula pro advanced reviews

baby brezza formula pro advanced reviews

How to set up baby brezza formula

Setting up baby brezza formula pro is super easy, but if you’re wondering How to set up baby brezza formula pro or how to set up baby brezza formula pro advanced you need to look at our articles mentioned above or check the manual that comes with the machine.

As per the formula settings, we will tell you all you need to know about it in this article.

Baby brezza formula settings pdf

Baby brezza formula settings pdf is available on the website for both baby brezza pro and baby brezza pro advanced formula makers.

Those pdf manuals are going to be your best friends while using this machine, as it has everything you will need; from knowing the different parts of the machine to assembling and disassembling it, in addition to how to clean it and what to do if you face any problems.

There are also some using instructions that you need to follow properly for your machine to work efficiently for the longest time.

Baby brezza formula settings differences

Baby brezza formula maker settings differ a lot in both machines, and it’s actually one of the advantages baby brezza formula pro advanced has over the older version, and we’ll explain why in the next passages.

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Baby brezza formula pro formula settings

Baby brezza formula pro has a measuring wheel inside the formula container with different numbers on it. When you first use baby brezza formula pro you need to go to their website, choose the brand of your baby formula, and the country you live in, then the guide will give you a number according to your choices. 

After that you adjust the measuring wheel to the same number and the machine will prepare your formula with the right concentration.

Baby brezza formula pro advanced formula settings

Baby brezza formula pro number setting has made it much easier for the users of this machine, as now you don’t have to choose the number on the measuring wheel or change the inner parts whenever you use a different formula. 

Baby brezza pro advanced has a Powder settings button that’s designed exactly for that. You go to the website and follow the same steps regarding your formula brand and country, and just press the given number on your machine.

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Baby brezza formula setting chart

Baby brezza formula pro setting chart is a table that’s available for baby brezza pro formula settings. It has all the types of formula names and brands and the numbers you should choose for each formula on the measuring wheel. You can easily find this chart online.

Baby brezza formula pro setting guide

Baby brezza formula setting guide pro advanced and pro setting guide is the website you visit to know the right numbers for your formula types. You can do this following the following steps:

  • Step 1: These are just some pieces of advice the guide suggests, like ensuring the funnel is clean before preparing your formula and cleaning the machine after every 4 bottles.
  • Step 2: Choose Your baby brezza model from the 2 available pictures Formula Pro or Formula Pro Advanced.
  • Step 3: Choose the country of your formula, the brand, and the stage/type of your formula.

After that, the website will tell you the number, and according to your machine, either you adjust the number on your measuring wheel, or from the Powder settings button.

baby brezza bottle washer

baby brezza bottle washer

Baby brezza similac formula setting

Similac formula is one of the best formulas that has been there for over 90 years, helping moms deliver their babies the nutrition they need. 

Baby brezza formula powder setting for Similac is available for many similar products, we will explain how the settings differ between these products in both baby brezza pro and baby brezza pro advanced formula makers.

Baby brezza formula pro similac setting

When you go to the website to figure out the right setting you need for your Similac formula, you will find many options to choose from, as Similac is available in many countries and different stages. 

Be careful when you choose the country as it might give you a different number for the same product.

Now let’s give you some examples of baby brezza pro formula settings for Similac in Canada, as you will find different stages of Similac with different settings:

  • For Similac DHA & Lutein NON-GMO your target setting will be 5 for both stages 1 (+0 months) and 2 (6-24 months).
  • Baby brezza formula pro powder setting for Similac Iron and Calcium enriched NON-GMO will be 4, but it’s only available for stage 2 (6-24 months).
  • Similac has a formula with partially broken-down protein NON-GMO, and its target setting is 6, and it’s also available only for stage 1 (+0 months).  
  • Similac pro advance non GMO setting is 5 for both stage 1 (0-6 months) and 2 (6-24 months). 

Baby brezza formula pro advanced Similac settings 

A lot of moms might do the mistake of not checking the settings after changing their product from baby brezza to baby brezza pro advanced, as they use the same type of formula, yet baby brezza pro advanced formula setting can change even for the same type of formula, here are some examples for Similac pro advanced settings: 

  • Using Similac DHA & Lutein NON-GMO from Canada with baby brezza pro advanced will have a different setting with stage 1 (+0 months) and that is 6, while it will be 5 with stage 2 (6-24 months).
  • Similac partially broken-down protein had a setting 5 in baby brezza pro, while in baby brezza pro advanced it’s 7.

Baby brezza formula pro Similac sensitive setting

Similac provides moms with a sensitive formula for the babies who suffer from lactose intolerance, and baby brezza formula pro powder setting for Similac sensitive is different, for example in Canada, the setting for Similac sensitive to lactose iron-enriched formula will be 5 with baby brezza pro formula maker, and 6 for the baby brezza pro advanced.

Baby brezza formula setting for similac alimentum

Similac alimentum has different numbers as well in baby brezza formula settings, as follows:

  • In Canada, the setting number for Similac alimentum is 7 for stage 1 with baby brezza pro, while it’s 5 in baby brezza pro advanced.
  • In European Union, Similac alimentum HA formula is available with setting 7 in baby brezza pro, while it’s not available to use this formula with baby brezza pro advanced formula maker.

Baby brezza formula pro settings for Enfamil gentlease

Enfamil formula is one of the most well-known formulas in the US, but it’s also available in many other countries, which makes its settings different from one to another. 

In the following examples, we will show you some different settings of Enfamil gentlease types in the US, and the different settings in both baby brezza formula pro and baby brezza formula pro advanced. 

Baby brezza formula settings pro Enfamil gentlease 

There are a couple of Enfamil gentlease types in the US available in baby brezza formula pro settings, which are:

Baby brezza advanced pro formula settings Enfamil gentlease 

Formula setting baby brezza pro advanced for Enfamil gentlease is also available for many types, some of them are:

  • Enfamil gentlease for stage 0-12 months with setting 5.
  • Enfamil enfagrow gentlease toddler transition for stage 9-18 months with settings 7.
  • Enfamil Neuropro gentlease for stage 0-12 months with setting 5
  • Enfamil inspire gentlease for stage 0-12 months with setting 4

Baby brezza formula setting nutramigen

Nutramigen is one of the Enfamil formula types, which is also available in the Us and many other countries. 

Baby brezza formula settings for nutramigen differs from one product to another as follows:

Baby brezza formula settings pro nutramigen

There are many types and stages of Enfamil nutramigen in baby brezza pro formula with different settings as following:

  • In the US, Enfamil nutramigen pure amino DHA & ARA HA setting for stage 0-24 months is 4, and Enfamil nutramigen with enfaflora LGG setting for stage 1 (0-12months) is 10, while stage 2 (9-36 months) is 6.
  • In Canada, Enfamil nutramigen A+ settings for stage 0-12 months is 4, while Enfamil nutramigen A+ with LGG for stage +0 is 10.

Baby brezza formula settings pro advanced nutramigen 

Baby brezza formula pro advanced Baby Brezza Formula Settings for Enfamil nutramigen differs from one country to another as follows:

  • In the US, Enfamil nutramigen with enflora LGG setting is 8 for both stages 1 and 2.
  • In Canada, Enfamil nutramigen A+ stage 0-12 months setting is 3, and Enfamil nutramigen A+ with LGG from birth stage setting is 7.

Baby brezza setting for hipp formula

Baby brezza Hipp formula setting is available for many different stages in this formula type in the European Union, here are some of them:

Baby brezza formula pro hipp setting

  • Baby brezza formula setting for hipp organic infant and pre infant milk is 5.
  • Baby brezza formula setting for hipp reduced lactose for colic and constipation is 5.

Baby brezza formula pro advanced hipp setting

  • Baby brezza formula settings for hipp organic are 5 for stage 1 and 9 for stage 2.
  • Baby brezza formula settings for hipp organic junior stage 3 is 4.

Baby brezza formula settings for Holle formula

Holle is an organic formula of cow and goat milk available in the European Union, and it has many different settings in Baby Brezza Formula Settings maker as following:

Baby brezza settings formula pro holle 

Holle formula has countless numbers of formula types with Holle formula, and each of them has different settings with different stages. Here are some of them:

  • Holle organic cow milk DHA setting for stage 1 (from birth) and stage 3 (+10 months) is 8, while it’s 10 for stage 2 (+6 months).
  • Holle organic biodynamic milk stage 4 setting is 10.
  • Holle organic infant formula stage 1 setting is 8.

Baby brezza formula pro advanced holle setting

Baby brezza formula settings pro advanced for Holle formula has many numbers according to the stage type, some of these are:

  • Holle organic cow milk A2 stage 1 (from birth) setting is 4, while stage 2 (+6 months) and stage 3 (+12 months) setting is 5.
  • Holle organic cow milk DHA stage 1 (from birth) setting is 5, stage 2 (+6 months) setting is 6 and stage 3 (+12 months) setting is 7.
  • Holle organic goat milk for both stages 2 and 3 is 7.
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baby brezza bottle washer reviews

Baby brezza setting for Kirkland formula

Kirkland formula is also one of the brands available in the baby brezza formula settings table. Here are some examples of them in Canada:

Baby brezza Kirkland formula setting pro 

  • Kirkland signature’s omega+ with 3, 6, and GOS setting for stage 0-12 months is 6.
  • Kirkland’s signature’s sensitive to lactose setting for stage 0-12 months is 8.

Baby brezza formula settings pro advanced for Kirkland 

  • Kirkland signature’s omega+ with 3, 6, and GOS setting for stage 0-12 months is 5.
  • Kirkland’s signature’s sensitive to lactose setting for stage 0-12 months is also 5.

Baby brezza Costco formula setting

Costco is one of the Kirkland Baby Brezza Formula Settings brands, but unfortunately, baby brezza formula settings pro powder settings for Costco are unavailable, neither is Baby Brezza Formula Settings pro advanced powder settings for Costco, and that’s in Canada, the Us, and the European Union. You might try and find it in the baby brezza formula setting chart though.

Baby brezza formula pro settings Canada

As we mentioned earlier, baby brezza formula settings in Canada (which is the formula country, not the country where you live) differs from other countries even for the same formula type, that’s why you need to pay attention when you choose the country to provide your baby with the perfect amount of formula powder.

Baby brezza European formula settings

Baby brezza formula setting for European formula is very wide, as the formulas are so many compared to other countries, especially with baby brezza formula pro advanced. But keep in mind that it also has its setting numbers.


Baby Brezza Formula Settings milk maker pro and pro advance are machines designed to help you prepare your baby formula bottle in no time. These machines work exactly the same with just a difference in the baby brezza formula settings; as one uses a powder setting numbers button on the screen while the other adjusts the numbers on the measuring wheels inside the container.

Baby Brezza Formula Settings

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All you need to know while using this machine is to know which type of formula brand you’re using, from which country, and the stage of your formula, andBaby Brezza Formula Settings website will give you the target number in just one click, hence you get the perfect concentration of formula powder for your baby.


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