Morning Sickness Remedies B6 Unisom | Unisom and B6 birth defects

Morning sickness is a common side effect during early pregnancy. More than 75% of pregnant women suffer from morning sickness at around the sixth week of pregnancy. And they have to face its annoying symptoms, which include nausea and vomiting. But how can these symptoms be treated!


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Morning Sickness Remedies B6 Unisom | Unisom and B6 birth defects

MorningSickness is a common side effect during #earlypregnancy. More than 75% of #pregnant women suffer from morning sickness at around the sixth week of ...


Morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom is highly recommended in the first trimester to reduce nausea and vomiting. But does vitamin B6 and Unisom help with morning sickness! Is it ok to take B6 while pregnant?

Pregnant women don’t experience morning sickness only in the morning. It can happen at any time during the day even at night. It’s expected that its symptoms stop around weeks 12 to 14. However, some pregnant women’s morning sickness symptoms continue for much longer. They can spend more weeks suffering from daily nausea and vomiting.

Before you decide to take morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom trying to feel better or to control nausea and vomiting strikes, It’s recommended to try non-medication remedies first that may help you feel better like:

  • Take a bite of any (protein or carbohydrates), like crackers, dry toast, saltines, or dry cereal first thing in the morning before getting up from your bed.
  • Try to eat small meals during the day instead of three large meals.
  • Don’t lay down right after eating a meal.
  • Drink water or any fluids throughout the day to avoid dehydration.
  • Eat easily digested foods like bananas, rice, or cereal.
  • Avoid smells that upset your stomach

Note: If you tried the non-medication remedies and it doesn’t help you a lot to minimize morning sickness, or you don’t have time to rest and do them. You can start using morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom to help you deal with daily nausea and vomiting.

Morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom

Morning sickness can negatively affect your quality time with your family or your work time. Sometimes you can’t rest or the non-medication remedies don’t work for you. As a result, morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom will be the solution to help you improve the symptoms of nausea and vomiting during your early pregnancy. But how to take B6 and Unisom for morning sickness!

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), Recommends trying vitamin B6 alone first before trying combination therapy of B6 and Unisom (doxylamine). If vitamin B6 alone doesn’t improve your morning sickness you can add Unisom (doxylamine), and follow the combination therapy.

Although taking vitamin B6 on its own is effective in relieving symptoms of nausea, it may not help a lot to improve symptoms of vomiting.

Therefore (ACOG), has recommended the use of combination therapy of vitamin B6 and Unisom (doxylamine).

Note: Unisom is sleeping tabs with an active ingredient (doxylamine), described to treat morning sickness in the first trimester. Also, it’s important to note that there are other Unisom Formulations with different active ingredients like (sleepGel), which contain (diphenhydramine), not (doxylamine). so make sure to check the active ingredient to get the right medication.

Morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom

Morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom

How much Unisom and B6 should I take for morning sickness?

Morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom has proved their effectiveness in improving symptoms of nausea and vomiting. But how much B6 and Unisom for morning sickness!

As mentioned, try to take vitamin B6 but it’s on first before taking the combination therapy of B6 and Unisom. It’s recommended to take 10 to 25 mg of vitamin B6 every 8 hours.

Vitamin B6 cause some side effects such as:

  • Fatigue.
  • Headache.
  • Paraesthesia or (sensation of pins and needles).

Note: Taking more than 100 mg a day of vitamin B6 can cause temporary nerve damage.

If vitamin B6 hasn’t helped you, and your morning sickness doesn’t improve. Try the combination therapy of B6 and Unisom. It’s recommended to take 10 to 25 mg of vitamin B6 three times a day (every 6 to 8 hours). And take 25 mg of Unisom (doxylamine), once before bed.

Be aware that Unisom has some side effects like:

  • Drowsiness (most common).
  • Headache.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Rash.
  • Nervousness.
  • Stomach pain.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Constipation.

Note: Speak to your doctor before taking any medication. As dosing may change depending on personal condition, or morning sickness strength symptoms. Also to ensure it won’t interact with any medication you are taking.

How long does Unisom take to kick in?

How quickly unison works is dependent on your metabolism speed. But it usually takes an hour to kick in. So it’s suggested to take the tablets 30 minutes before your bedtime, and it will guarantee you 8-10 hours of sleep.

However, vitamin B6 can stay in your body much longer as it is considered water-soluble. It can remain in your body for around 25 to 33 days (as a half-life). In addition, it accumulates in the body as it is stored in the muscle, the lever, plasma, and red blood cells. It also binds to proteins in tissues.

Note: If you tried all the remedies and your morning sickness doesn’t improve. And the morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom doesn’t work for you. Or if you experience some of these symptoms:

  • Severe nausea (continue with after the first trimester).
  • Vomiting (with pain and fever).
  • Dehydration.
  • Weight loss.

You may be suffering from (hyperemesis gravidarum). You should see your doctor to know the severity of your morning sickness. Your doctor may advise you to change your diet, take additional rest or he may describe medication like (antacids). Or he may ask you to stay in the hospital to get fluids and nutrition through an IV.

Vitamin B6 and Unisom prescription

Do you take Unisom and B6 together? And wonder if you are following the right prescription! Or worried about the right and the safe doses that give you the best improvement!

You have to take them every day, But the bedtime dose is the most important one to prevent morning sickness symptoms the next day when you wake up. You can take other doses during the day if you need it.

Bedtime dose: Take one pill of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 25 mg, and one pill of Unisom (doxylamine) 25 mg.

Morning dose: Take ½ pill of B6 and Unisom (if you need it).

Mid-day dose: Take ½ pill of vitamin B6 and Unisom (if you need it).

It’s good to mention that there is a combination prescription drug called (Diclegis) which contains both drugs together.

So if you are tired of taking a combination of two types of medication, or you worry about forgetting one of the doses. you can take (Diclegis) as one type of medication.

Vitamin B6 and Unisom prescription

Vitamin B6 and Unisom prescription

Diclegis Is a delayed-release medicine. It contains the combination of the two active ingredients doxylamine (which is in Unisom) and pyridoxine (which is in vitamin B6). It proved it’s highly effective in treating nausea and vomiting and pregnancy. In addition, The FDA has approved it for reducing morning sickness during pregnancy.

It’s recommended to take Diclegis as two tablets daily at bedtime to improve morning sickness symptoms the next day. But if you didn’t feel any improvement take another tablet in the morning and mid-afternoon as needed.

Note: Diclegis may have the same side effects as taking the morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom. Drowsiness is the most common side effect and there is another side effect such as:

  • Headache.
  • Dizziness.
  • Dry mouth.

How does Unisom and B6 help with nausea?

Morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom help in improving symptoms of nausea and vomiting. But why does B6 help with nausea?! And how does that combination therapy work!

Their active ingredient doxylamine succinate (in Unisom), and pyridoxine (in vitamin B6) act on neurotransmitters in the brain that excite the feeling of nausea or disable other body processes that cause vomiting.

Doxylamine is considered an antihistamine that works by blocking the action of some neutral substances that cause nausea and vomiting. In addition, a lack of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) in the body may cause nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. As a result, morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom proved its effectiveness in treating nausea and vomiting.

Note: If you have mild nausea without vomiting you can take vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), if you don’t have relief try Unisom (doxylamine) in combination with B6.

Is Unisom safe during pregnancy

Morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom is a combination therapy that is highly recommended to use to relieve nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. But is it ok to take B6 while pregnancy?

FDA considers unison safe to use during pregnancy. But you have to consider some points:

  • Make sure the active ingredient is doxylamine succinate.
  • Take the right dose which is 25 mg of doxylamine at night.
  • And also make sure to take the right vitamin B6 pregnancy dose which is 10 to 25 mg every 8 hours.

Note: It’s preferred to talk with your doctor before taking any medication to maintain the right and safe dose with you. And to ensure the medication won’t interact with other medications.

Does Unisom cause birth defects?

Morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom consider safe combination therapy that treats nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. But still, there are some inquiries and worries about Unisom and B6 birth defects. As mentioned, Unisom is an antihistamine drug. And in the past, there were worries about pregnant women taking antihistamines during the first trimester, and they associated it with various birth defects. Unisom (doxylamine) birth defect includes:

  • Cleft lip and cleft palate.
  • Pyloric stenosis.
  • Hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
  • Spina bifida.
  • Tube defects.

However, the latest studies prove that antihistamines are safe during pregnancy. They mentioned that the previous association between antihistamine and birth defect wasn’t confirmed with any study. So, doxylamine/pyridoxine for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is safe to use, according to many studies that haven’t found the combination therapy increases the chance of birth defects. In addition, the doxylamine pregnancy category according to the FDE is category A, which means there is no evidence of risk to the fetus.

Even so, pregnant women should talk to their doctors first before taking any medication during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. As generally there is no medication considered completely safe during pregnancy. And if you have to take any medication, it’s advised to take it at the lowest dose and shortest amount of time.

When to stop taking Unisom and B6

Morning sickness remedies B6 you Unisom help pregnant women to reduce their daily nausea and vomiting. But this combination therapy could cause side effects as we mentioned like headache, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

If the side effects don’t go away or become severe you should see your doctor. The compilation therapy could also cause other side effects that indicate a serious problem. You have to stop taking Unisom B6 if you notice any of the following symptoms and go to your doctor immediately:

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Confusion.
  • Fast heartbeat.
  • Difficulty urinating or painful urination.
  • Blurred vision or other vision problems.

If you Don’t experience any of those serious side effects, and Unisom and B6 do a good job reducing your morning sickness symptoms. But you wonder when to stop taking them! Or you’re a little afraid to stop because the nausea was so horrible.

Normally morning sickness is expected to stop between weeks 12 to 14 so you can decide to stop taking Unisom and vitamin B6 between that period. Or you may prefer to continue taking them until week 14, so you avoid experiencing any more morning sickness.

Unisom and vitamin B6 for morning sickness reviews

  • Most women agreed that morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom help them deal with daily nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. One of the women said that she took Diclegis in her last pregnancy, and it was a miracle pill to her that made her life so much easier.
  • Another woman also said that she had suffered from vomiting every day around six weeks pregnant. But after she tried morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom she hasn’t thrown up or experienced nausea as she had been.
  • One of the pregnant women reviews about morning sickness B6 Unisom was that she started to take Diclegis at week 8 pregnancy. She started taking two pills at night and she felt better the next day. Another woman also said that it made her feel good to be able to enjoy a glass of water and snack without fear of vomiting.
  • On the other hand, some women mentioned that the medication did not work for them at all. They never got relief from nausea or vomiting. As a result, they stop taking the medication. Other women complain about how sleepy the medication makes them, especially when they take one pill at night and another one in the morning.
  • Also, one of the women said she started taking two pills at night in her week 8 pregnancy. Then she returned for 10 weeks ultrasound, her doctor informed her that there is no heartbeat and the baby stopped growing around week 8. She claimed that Diclegis was the reason behind that. As the baby died around the same time she started to take Diclegis.

Overall, morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom is a safe medication and highly recommended by pregnant women, as it improves the symptoms of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.


Pink Stork Morning Sickness Sweets: Ginger Raspberry Morning Sickness Candy for Pregnancy, Nausea, Digestion, 100% Organic + Vitamin B6, Women-Owned, 30 Hard Lozenges

$14.99  in stock
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • Morning sickness occurs in around 70% of pregnancies and can last months! It can strike pregnant women all day, especially in the first trimester. Add Pink Stork Morning Sickness Sweets to your prenatal ritual to support occasional morning sickness, motion sickness, and digestion. Available in Mango or Raspberry flavors.
  • Not just ginger candies! Organic ginger root is a superfood to help with morning sickness for pregnant women and ease pregnancy-related digestive issues, including gas and constipation. Don’t stick to Ginger Ale - level up with our sweets.
  • Morning Sickness Sweets are first-trimester pregnancy essentials; we've added vitamin B6 to our lozenges to support digestion, energy, and help break down food.
  • Vitamin B6 and ginger is the dynamic duo for your morning sickness survival kit - pop a Morning Sickness Sweet 1-4 times daily, as needed. Individually and discreetly wrapped for convenience and made without GMOs, gluten, soy, or dairy. We also offer an extensive line of Prenatals, Prenatal Probiotics, and Morning Sickness Tea.
  • Women-Owned, Women-Run! Our founder and CEO, Amy Suzanne, is a mom of six children and knows how important it is to give women products you can trust. Over 80% of our employees are women, and we create clean, trusted, and effective products for every stage of your journey. We are on a mission to provide women with hope and positively impact everyone that comes in contact with Pink Stork.

Best Naturals Vitamin B-6 25 Mg Tablets, 250 Count

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2 new from $8.09
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as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • 3rd Party Lab Tested for Purity & Quality.
  • 25 mg of Vitamin B-6 per Tablet - 250 Tablets per Bottle.
  • Non-GMO & Gluten-Free.
  • Proudly Made in USA, GMP Compliant, FDA Registered Facility.
  • No Artificial Color, Flavor, or Sweetener, No Preservatives, No Sugar, No Milk, No Corn, No Soy, No Egg, No Lactose, No Gluten, No Wheat, No Yeast, No Fish. Sodium Free.

Unisom SleepGels, Nighttime Sleep-aid, Diphenhydramine HCI, 100 SoftGels

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9 new from $12.72
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as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • INCLUDES: One (1) bottle with 100 SoftGels of Unisom SleepGels Nighttime Sleep-aid; one SoftGel per dose
  • A STRESSFUL DAY DESERVES A RESTFUL NIGHT: Unisom helps you fall asleep fast and get a good night's sleep to recharge and restore
  • NON-HABIT FORMING: Liquid-filled SoftGels are safe if used as directed, non-habit forming and help you sleep soundly
  • TRUST UNISOM, THE SLEEP EXPERT: The Pharmacist Recommended OTC Sleep-Aid Brand Data represents brand/product selections from the 2019 Pharmacy Times Survey of Pharmacists' OTC Recommendations
  • FIND A NIGHTTIME SLEEP SOLUTION THAT'S RIGHT FOR YOU: Millions of people turn to Unisom for a restful night's sleep; Unisom SleepGels, SleepTabs, SleepMinis, SleepMelts or PM Pain can help you take on your day

Three Lollies Value Preggie Pop Drops Assorted for Morning Sickness Relief, 48 Count

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  • QUICK & EASY WAY TO RELIEVE: When You're Struggling With Morning Sickness, You Need To Find A Remedy Fast. These Are The Best Quick-fix To Have At Your Fingertips; Just Unwrap A Candy & Let It Dissolve In Your Mouth. So Easy And Convenient!
  • 100% NATURAL INGREDIENTS: With Us, You Never Have To Worry About Unsafe Ingredients. Our Preggie Pops Are Made With Essential Oils & Plant Botanicals, So Everything Is Safe For Both You & Baby. They're Also Made Right Here In The USA!
  • TASTES LIKE CANDY: We Added A Touch Of All Natural Cane Syrup To These Drops, Because Who Says Relief Has To Taste Boring? Why Not Treat Yourself To A Little Something Sweet When You Need It. They're So Good, You'll Forget It's A Supplement!
  • GET INSTANT RELIEF ANYWHERE: All 48 Drops Come Individually Wrapped In A Discreet Plastic Container That Can Fit Into Your Purse Or Suitcase. No More Stressing Over While On The Go
  • GLUTEN FREE: Gluten Sensitivity? No Problem! We Only Use The Most Natural Essential Oils & Plant Extracts, No Gluten! They're Also Kosher Certified & Made Without Any Genetically Modified Ingredients.

Sparkling Mama's Morning Sickness Relief | Dr. Approved, Women Owned, USA Made. Bubbly Drink Mix. B6 & Magnesium (Motion Sickness, Anti-Nausea, Pregnancy), Raspberry Mint, 8 Count Fizzelixir

 in stock
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • FAST RELIEF: Sparkling Mama's Fizzelixir is an effervescent supplement powder that dissolves easily into any beverage fast relief!
  • DOCTOR RECOMMENDED: Fizzelixir is Doctor approved and is safe for both Mom and Baby during your pregnancy
  • FAST RELIEF: Sparkling Mama's Fizzelixir is an effervescent supplement powder that dissolves easily into any beverage for morning sickness relief!
  • EFFERVESCENCE IS KEY: Formulated for quick absorption into your bloodstream our Fizzelixir delivers relief much faster than dissolving pills or candies, and because of its neutral PH (which the tummy loves) you can avoid the stomach discomfort often associated with pills

Preggie Pop Drops Plus w/Vitamin B6, Morning Sickness Relief, 48 Count

$16.95  in stock
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • A QUICK & EASY SOLUTION TO MORNING SICKNESS: Our Preggie Pops Can Help Soothe Your Right Away, Unlike Other Remedies Out There. Each One Is Individually Wrapped So You Can Take As Much As You Need, Whenever You Need It. So Convenient!
  • CONTAINS VITAMIN B6 TO HELP WITH : The B6 Vitamin Is Known For Decreasing In Pregnant Women, So We Included It To Make Them Even More Effective. It's Also An Important Vitamin That Plays A Role In Your Baby's Healthy Development.
  • DOCTOR RECOMMENDED: All Of Our Preggy Pops Come Fully Vetted And Backed By Health Care Professionals, So You Can Feel Good Knowing Our Products Are Trusted By Experts. We Believe In Offering Our Customers Quality Relief That Meet Doctor Guidelines.
  • ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTS: Call Us Old-fashioned, But We Feel That Whatever Goes Into Your Body Should Be Free From Harmful Ingredients. That's Why We Use 100% All Natural Ingredients, Including Essential Oils And Plant Extracts That Help With .
  • KOSHER & GLUTEN FREE: All Of Our Natural Remedies Are Safe For Those With Gluten Sensitivities. We Never Use Gluten In Any Of Our Ingredients, And All Of Our Tummy Drops Are Kosher Certified. We Believe In Clean Ingredients For All.

Preggie Pop Drops Plus | 21 Drops | Vitamin B6 for Morning Sickness & Nausea Relief during pregnancy | Safe for pregnant Mom & Baby | Gluten Free | Two Flavors: Lemon & Raspberry

 in stock
15 new from $5.48
Free shipping
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • Say goodbye to morning sickness and a queasy tummy ­the natural and organic way.
  • Contains powerful USDA certified organic essential oils and plant botanicals proven to relieve nausea.
  • Completely natural and drug free and 100% safe for mom and baby.
  • Each piece is individually wrapped to stay fresh and go with you anywhere.
  • Makes a wonderful gift for your wife, sister, daughter­in­law, co­worker, neighbor or any one you know touched by pregnancy.

Pink Stork Morning Sickness Tea: Ginger Peach + USDA Organic + Nausea Relief + Supports Digestion & Hydration, Women-Owned, 30 Cups

 in stock
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • 70% of pregnant women report experiencing morning sickness - any pregnant woman will tell you that it often lasts all day and can be triggered by anything! Pink Stork Morning Sickness Tea features two simple, organic ingredients for natural and effective support: Ginger and Rooibos leaves. Pair alongside our early pregnancy must haves: Pink Stork Morning Sickness Sweets - our flavored ginger candy with Vitamin B6. Add to any pregnancy care package!
  • Ginger is a superfood for pregnant women! It contains antioxidants and digestive enzymes, which break down food in the body to support gastrointestinal health and ease heartburn and constipation. Ginger Tea is a flavorful and natural alternative to motion sickness bands and patches - and it helps promote hydration throughout pregnancy.
  • Red Rooibos Tea is a first trimester pregnancy essential and the second ingredient in our organic pregnancy tea. It’s naturally caffeine-free, low in tannins, and rich in antioxidants to support prenatal wellness. Brew fresh and store in the fridge to sip through the day to ease queasiness and settle your stomach.
  • Female certified herbalists have hand-crafted our tea with herbs used for centuries to support healthy digestion - without GMOs, gluten, soy, or dairy. For the best morning sickness support, add our Prenatal Vitamins and Probiotics to your prenatal ritual for gut health balance.
  • Women-Owned, Women-Run! Our founder and CEO, Amy Suzanne, is a mom of six children and knows how important it is to give new moms products you can trust. Over 80% of our employees are women, and we create clean, trusted, and effective products for every stage of a woman’s journey. We are on a mission to provide women with hope and positively impact everyone who comes in contact with Pink Stork.

Sea-Band Mama Anti-Nausea Acupressure Wristband for Morning Sickness, Colors May Vary, Pack of 2

$11.42  in stock
7 new from $11.42
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • MORNING SICKNESS RELIEF: The Sea-Band Mama was created to help soothe & calm your tummy during your pregnancy. It's an effective, completely natural, drug-free solution for most types of nausea.
  • ACUPRESSURE TREATMENT: A plastic knob sewn into the inside of this knitted elastic wristband exerts pressure & stimulates the P6, or Nei-Kuan, acupressure point, proven to relieve nausea & vomiting.
  • NO DRUGS OR SIDE EFFECTS: Sea-Bands work immediately & can be worn whenever you feel nauseous. They're a natural, reusable & non-drowsy remedy with no drugs or side effects. Suitable for ages 3 & up.
  • NATURAL CHOICE FOR NAUSEA RELIEF: We carry an array of natural options for motion & morning sickness & anti-nausea, including acupressure wristbands, ginger gum & lozenges & aromatherapy rollettes.
  • WAVE GOODBYE TO NAUSEA: Don’t let your travel or cruise ship experience be ruined; alleviate sea sickness & enjoy the journey or enjoy your pregnancy by relieving morning sickness with Sea-Bands

Pair of Acupressure Anti-Nausea Motion Sickness Relief Wristbands (Black) Great for Controlling Nausea Due to Morning Sickness, Motion Sickness or Chemotherapy 8 Colors Nausea Relief Bracelet

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  • ★Our Anti-Nausea Travel Sickness Relief Wrist bands effectively and SAFELY CONTROLS NAUSEA due to morning sickness, motion sickness, chemotherapy, sea sickness, travel sickness etc.
  • ★ WEAR ON BOTH WRISTS to stop nausea. Apply wristband approximately ½ hour to 1 hour prior to travel.
  • ★ Comes in MULTIPLE COLORS: choose from black, blue, pink, red, orange or yellow – one size fits all
  • ★ MACHINE WASHABLE and reusable
  • ★ Controls nausea via acupressure – see attached image and diagram

Pink Stork Mist: Topical Magnesium Spray for Nausea + Morning Sickness Relief, Eases Muscle Cramps + Joint Pain + Stress, Supports Energy, Natural Magnesium from The Dead Sea, Women-Owned, 4oz Spray

$16.59  in stock
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • Pink Stork Magnesium Mist is a highly concentrated topical spray made from pure magnesium chloride flakes from the Dead Sea to restore trace minerals for calm and balance.
  • Low magnesium levels are often associated with morning sickness, low energy levels, disrupted sleep, low mood, high cortisol (the stress hormone!), and other pregnancy-related discomforts.
  • Our convenient spray bottle offers on-the-spot support with fast-acting liquid magnesium chloride. Simply spray on your skin and gently massage as the magnesium is absorbed. Our best tip? Spray on the sole of your foot - your pores are the largest for optimal absorption. Some tingling is normal, and you can rinse after 20 minutes. Quicker and more efficient than magnesium oil, lotion, soak, capsules, or cream!
  • Transdermal magnesium can help soften skin, ease irritations, support moisture balance, and provide that GLOW.
  • Pink Stork topical magnesium spray is made without fragrances, petroleum, parabens, phthalates, or fillers.

Pink Stork Nausea Sweets: Lite Peppermint, Organic Hard Candy, Nausea Relief + Morning Sickness Relief for Pregnant Women + Bloating + Digestion + Migraine Relief, Vitamin B, Women-Owned, 30 Lozenges

$14.99  in stock
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • Looking for a natural way to ease queasiness? Pink Stork Peppermint Sweets feature organic Peppermint and Vitamin B6 to support morning sickness, motion sickness, and digestion. Our Sweets are pregnancy-friendly and breastfeeding-friendly.
  • Morning sickness occurs in around 70% of pregnancies and can last months! It can strike pregnant women all day, especially in the first trimester. Our Sweets are first-trimester pregnancy essentials - add to your prenatal ritual.
  • Peppermint has wide-ranging benefits to help ease digestion! Not just ordinary peppermints; we've added vitamin B6 to our lozenges to support digestion and help break down food. Pop a Peppermint Sweet 1-4 times daily.
  • Pink Stork Sweets are individually and discreetly wrapped for convenience and made without GMOs, gluten, soy, or dairy. We also offer an extensive line of Prenatals (including Total Prenatal Vitamin Gummies!), Prenatal Probiotics, and Ginger Morning Sickness Tea.
  • Women-Owned, Women-Run! Our founder and CEO, Amy Suzanne, is a mom of 6 children and knows how important it is to give women products you can trust. Over 80% of our employees are women, and we create clean, trusted, and effective products for every stage of your journey. We are on a mission to provide women with hope and positively impact everyone that comes in contact with Pink Stork.

ifory 10 Counts Ear Anti Motion Sickness Patch & 10 Count Sea Motion Sickness Wristbands for Cruise, Car, Kids, Travel, Morning Sickness, Anti Nausea with Non Drowsy

 out of stock


  • ❤【Perfect Combination】 You will get 10 Motion Sickness bands(5 colors) and 10 Motion Sickness Patches(5 bags). Optimal motion sickness relief combination, offers you two mitigation options and is cheaper than buying separately on the market.
  • ❤【Effective Against Vomiting】 Effective relief morning sickness for pregnant women; motion sickness (including Seasickness, Car Sickness, Altitude sickness),etc.
  • ❤【Product Advantages】 Motion sickness patch: Fast acting, No drowsiness, Waterproof and sweat-proof. Motion sickness band: Safe and easy to use, Drug-free wearable therapeutic device. They are both highly effective, no side effects, lightweight and pocketable.
  • ❤【Treatment Mechanism】 The motion sickness patches by expanding the capillaries of the skin, increase the amount of oxygen to brain, thus comes to the effect of refreshing your brain. The motion sickness bracelets utilizes acupressure to provide relief from nausea.
  • ❤【Versatile and Healthy】 Motion sickness patch: 100% natural botanical ingredients, green health, placing patches behind ears and 30 minutes later will feel better, the effect last for 72 hrs. Motion sickness bands: Universal size, soft cotton material and strong elastic design, multiple colors, full of diversity, suitable for anyone.

Pink Stork Morning Sickness Sweets: Ginger Mango Morning Sickness Candy for Pregnancy, Nausea, Digestion, 100% Organic + Vitamin B6, Women-Owned, 30 Hard Lozenges

 in stock
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • Morning sickness occurs in around 70% of pregnancies and can last months! It can strike pregnant women all day, especially in the first trimester. Add Pink Stork Morning Sickness Sweets to your prenatal ritual to support occasional morning sickness, motion sickness, and digestion. Available in Mango or Raspberry flavors.
  • Not just ginger candies! Organic ginger root is a superfood to help with morning sickness for pregnant women and ease pregnancy-related digestive issues, including gas and constipation. Don’t stick to Ginger Ale - level up with our sweets.
  • Morning Sickness Sweets are first-trimester pregnancy essentials; we've added vitamin B6 to our lozenges to support digestion, energy, and help break down food.
  • Vitamin B6 and ginger is the dynamic duo for your morning sickness survival kit - pop a Morning Sickness Sweet 1-4 times daily, as needed. Individually and discreetly wrapped for convenience and made without GMOs, gluten, soy, or dairy. We also offer an extensive line of Prenatals, Prenatal Probiotics, and Morning Sickness Tea.
  • Women-Owned, Women-Run! Our founder and CEO, Amy Suzanne, is a mom of six children and knows how important it is to give women products you can trust. Over 80% of our employees are women, and we create clean, trusted, and effective products for every stage of your journey. We are on a mission to provide women with hope and positively impact everyone that comes in contact with Pink Stork.

Preggie Pop Drops | 21 Drops | Morning Sickness & Nausea Relief during pregnancy | Safe for pregnant Mom & Baby | Gluten Free | Four Flavors: Lemon, Raspberry, Green Apple, Tangerine

 in stock
5 new from $4.69
Free shipping
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • A common problem: From your first trimester up until the birth of your baby, you may experience morning sickness or motion sickness during pregnancy. This is common and can be uncomfortable for many women during their pregnancy.
  • A safe solution: Developed by healthcare professionals that care about the well-being of you and your baby - we’ve created a natural, drug-free solution that is 100% safe for moms & babies, providing morning sickness relief during pregnancy.
  • Simple, effective ingredients: Each tub of Preggie Pops contains 21 lozenges that are formulated to provide motion sickness with the added comfort of safety.
  • Variety of flavors: Experience a delicious hard candy that is gluten free and comes in four tasty flavors - sour lemon, sour raspberry, sour tangerine, and green apple. Each hard candy is individually wrapped to stay fresh - perfect for on-the-go moms.
  • Give the gift of comfort: A must-have during pregnancy that makes a wonderful gift for an upcoming baby shower or gender reveal. Perfect for your wife, sister, daughter, daughter-in-law, co-worker, neighbor or anyone you know touched by pregnancy.

UpSpring Stomach Settle Drops for Nausea, Gas, Bloating, Morning Sickness and Motion Sickness Relief with Ginger, Lemon, Spearmint, and B6, 28 Count Individually Wrapped Drops for Tummy

 in stock
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • RELIEF FOR OCCASIONAL UPSET STOMACH and tummy troubles so you can get on with your day. An upset stomach can strike at any time. Stomach Settle provides soothing herbal relief from occasional nausea, gas, bloating, motion sickness, and morning sickness.*
  • 4 REMEDIES IN 1 DROP: Our soothing mint flavored drops are made with 4 remedies in 1 one - naturally sourced ginger, spearmint, and lemon, along with vitamin B6.
  • PERFECT FOR TRAVEL: Discreet, individually wrapped drops great for on-the-go.

Nausea Relief Aromatherapy Inhaler by Nausology (3-Pack), Essential Oil Blends, Quick Relief, Morning Sickness, Motion Sickness, Migraine Relief, Chemo Relief, Natural Drug Free Remedy

$18.95  in stock
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • Assists with Quease - These inhalers support control of queasiness, including motion and morning sickness, seasickness, post-operative discomfort, and chemotherapy. The unique blend of essential oils provides supportive aromatherapy
  • Comfort with Every Breath - Nausology's nasal inhalers are designed to assist with queasiness. Utilizing essential oils and isopropyl alcohol, they offer comforting and natural protection
  • Promotes Relaxation – The inhalers are made with natural ingredients to enhance relaxation, calm, and stress reduction
  • Powerful Blend of Essential Oils - This set comes with Ginger, Peppermint and lemon inhalers. These combinations help support uncomfortable feelings arising from quease
  • Natural Wellness Protection - Developed and recommended by board-certified physicians, Nausology Inhalers serve as natural protection for daily discomfort. They provide drug-free, pill-free support for managing queasiness

UpSpring Stomach Settle Drops for Nausea, Gas, Bloating, Morning Sickness and Motion Sickness Relief, 28 Count Individually Wrapped Drops for Tummy with Ginger, Lemon, Spearmint, Honey and B6

 in stock
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • 8 REMEDIES IN 1 DROP: Upspring Stomach Settle Drops are formulated with four relief remedies to help soothe tummy troubles: naturally sourced ginger, spearmint, and lemon, along with vitamin B6.

Unisom Nighttime Sleep-Aid Doxylamine Succinate Tablets, 48 Count

$13.49  in stock
6 new from $10.90
Free shipping
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • INCLUDES: One (1) bottle with 48 Tablets of Unisom SleepTabs Nighttime Sleep-aid; one tablet per dose
  • FALL ASLEEP 33% FASTER: Effective sleep aid helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep versus placebo in a clinical study
  • NON-HABIT FORMING: SleepTabs are safe if used as directed, non-habit forming and help you sleep through the night and feel recharged without grogginess or lingering side effects
  • TRUST UNISOM, THE SLEEP EXPERT: The Pharmacist Recommended OTC Sleep-Aid Brand Data represents brand/product selections from the 2019 Pharmacy Times Survey of Pharmacists' OTC Recommendations
  • FIND A NIGHTTIME SLEEP SOLUTION RIGHT FOR YOU: Millions of people turn to Unisom for a restful night's sleep; Unisom SleepGels, SleepTabs, SleepMinis, SleepMelts or PM Pain can help you take on your day

Unisom SleepMelts, Nighttime Sleep-aid, Diphenhydramine HCI, 24 Tablets

$11.79  in stock
4 new from $10.99
Free shipping
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • INCLUDES: One (1) 24-count bottle of Unisom SleepMelts Nighttime Sleep-aid; two tablets per dose
  • DISSOLVES IN 30 SECONDS WITHOUT WATER: Melt away your restless nights with quickly dissolving Unisom tablets
  • NON-HABIT FORMING: Cherry-flavored SleepMelts are safe if used as directed and non-habit forming; fall asleep fast, sleep soundly and wake refreshed
  • TRUST UNISOM, THE SLEEP EXPERT: The #1 Pharmacist Recommended OTC Sleep-Aid Brand* *Data represents brand/product selections from the 2019 Pharmacy Times Survey of Pharmacists' OTC Recommendations
  • FIND A NIGHTTIME SLEEP SOLUTION RIGHT FOR YOU: Millions of people turn to Unisom for a restful night's sleep; Unisom SleepGels, SleepTabs, SleepMinis, SleepMelts or PM Pain can help you take on your day.

EZ Melts B6 as Pyridoxine, 50 mg, Sublingual Vitamins, Vegan, Zero Sugar, Natural Orange Flavor, 60 Fast Dissolve Tablets

$17.99  in stock
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • Support Vital Systems –– Don't rely on diet alone. Give your body a helping hand with these vitamin B6 50mg per serving tablets. Helping to support your heart and nervous system health is among the key benefits of taking vit B6 supplements*
  • Convert Food to Fuel –– Get the most from everything you eat. This B6 vitamin can help support a healthy metabolic function and healthy energy levels.* Vitamin B 6 also supports mood balance to help keep your mind free of clutter.*
  • No Sweat Supplements –– Gone are the days of chalky tablets you can't choke down. These B6 dissolvable supplements make it easier to get your vitamins. Enjoy vitamins B6 tablets with a refreshing orange flavor that have zero sugar
  • A Dose for Any Diet –– Take a B6 vitamins 50mg per serving tablet that you can trust. All EZ Melts supplements are made with non-GMO, vegan-friendly ingredients. Each tablet is formulated without the use of common allergens: gluten, dairy, lactose, eggs, nuts, fish, shellfish, and soy.
  • Manufactured in the USA –– A supplement you can count on. These vitamin B6 50 mg per serving tablets are made at our Florida facilities using ingredients that are globally sourced by our certified US-based suppliers

Unisom Sleep Tablets, Night time Sleep-Aid, 25 mg Doxylamine Succinate, No Flavor, 32 Tablets

$9.29  in stock
24 new from $8.99
Free shipping
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • INCLUDES: One (1) 32-count bottle of Unisom SleepTabs Nighttime Sleep-aid; one tablet per dose
  • FALL ASLEEP 33% FASTER*: Effective sleep aid helps you fall asleep faster* and stay asleep *versus placebo in a clinical study
  • NON-HABIT FORMING: SleepTabs are safe if used as directed, non-habit forming and help you sleep through the night and feel recharged without grogginess or lingering side effects
  • TRUST UNISOM, THE SLEEP EXPERT: The #1 Pharmacist Recommended OTC Sleep-Aid Brand* *Data represents brand/product selections from the 2019 Pharmacy Times Survey of Pharmacists' OTC Recommendations
  • FIND A NIGHTTIME SLEEP SOLUTION RIGHT FOR YOU: Millions of people turn to Unisom for a restful night's sleep; Unisom SleepGels, SleepTabs, SleepMinis, SleepMelts or PM Pain can help you take on your day

Pink Stork Total Nausea: Morning Sickness Relief for Pregnant Women + Nausea Relief Supplement with Vitamin B12 + Ginger to Reduce Dizziness + Motion Sickness, Women-Owned, 60 Capsules

$24.99  out of stock
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • Nausea relief: Supports the relief of nausea, morning sickness, headaches, cramps, inflammation, + more. Take 2 small capsules per day, 60 vegetarian capsules total, 30-day supply. Pink Stork Nausea Support is pregnancy-friendly and breastfeeding-friendly.
  • Hydration + energy support: Supports energy levels and nausea relief by promoting healthy hydration and electrolyte intake.
  • Clean: Made without gluten, wheat, dairy, soy, GMOs, and more. Third-party tested.
  • All the essentials: Includes key ingredients, such as Ginger, Peppermint, Vitamins B6 + B12, Vitamins C + D, Magnesium, and Himalayan Pink Salt, to provide nausea relief.
  • Women-owned + run: Our founder and CEO is a woman, and over 80% of our employees are women. We are on a mission to provide women with hope and positively impact everyone that comes in contact with Pink Stork.

Amazing Nutrition Vitamin B6 Dietary Supplement – 25 mg, 250 Tablets (Non-GMO,Gluten Free) – Supports Healthy Nervous System, Metabolism & Cell Health

$9.99  in stock
2 new from $9.99
Free shipping
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • - Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine 25mg Per Serving
  • - 250 Servings per Bottle, 1 Tablet Per Serving
  • - Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Third Party Tested
  • - Manufactured in accordance with GMP Standards
  • - Proudly made in USA with Guaranteed Purity & Potency

Solgar Vitamin B6 25 mg, 100 Tablets - Supports Energy Metabolism, Heart Health & Healthy Nervous System - B Complex Supplement - Vegan, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Kosher - 100 Servings

 in stock
5 new from $6.02
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as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • B Complex Supplement; Vitamin B6 is part of the group of essential nutrients known as the B Complex; This formulation provides 25mg of vitamin B6 per serving
  • Energy Metabolism; B Complex vitamins, including B6, work to support energy metabolism in the body; B6 helps maintain a healthy nervous system
  • Heart Health; Along with folic acid and B12, B6 promotes heart health by supporting healthy levels of homocysteine already in a normal range; It also plays an integral role in the production of red blood cells
  • Gluten, Wheat & Dairy Free; Solgar Vitamin B6 is suitable for vegans and free of: gluten, wheat, dairy, soy, yeast, sugar, sodium, artificial flavor, sweetener, preservatives, and color; Suitable for vegetarians
  • The Gold Standard: For over 70 years, Solgar has been committed to quality, health, and well-being. Our mission is to create the finest nutritional supplements in small batches, through tireless research, using only the finest raw materials

Unisom SleepMelts, Nighttime Sleep-aid, Diphenhydramine HCI, 48 Tablets

$52.97  in stock
2 new from $52.97
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • TRUSTED SLEEP SUPPORT: Unisom Sleep Melts dissolve on the tongue in 30 seconds so you can fall asleep faster. Sleep through the night & wake up recharged in the morning without lingering grogginess.
  • SLEEP SOUNDLY & WAKE UP ENERGIZED: After a stressful day, every minute of sleep matters. Unisom helps reduce your natural urge to stay awake, helping you fall asleep faster & get the rest you need.
  • RECHARGE TONIGHT: When stress gets in the way of a restful night, you need a sleep aid that can help you fall asleep & wake up refreshed. Choose Unisom, the #1 pharmacist recommended OTC sleep aid.
  • EVERYTHING YOU NEED, NOTHING YOU DON'T: Unlike some OTC brands, Unisom offers single active ingredient sleep-aids. If all you need is a great night's sleep, skip the extra medicine & reach for Unisom.
  • SLEEP AID: Get rid of sleep deprivation with Unisom sleep aid products. Try our non-habit forming sleep tablets, softgels, melts, mini-capsules & liquids for nighttime sleeping solution for adults & children.

Bluebonnet Nutrition Vitamin B6 Vegetable Capsules, 50 mg, For Cardiovascular and Nervous System Health, Soy Free, Gluten Free, Kosher, Dairy Free, Vegan, Non-GMO, 90 Vegetable Capsules, 90 Servings

 in stock
4 new from $10.36
Free shipping
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • 50 mg of Vitamin B6
  • Nervous System & Immune Health ♦
  • 90 Vegetable Capsules, 90 Servings
  • Non-GMO, Vegan, Kosher Certified, Gluten-Free, Soy-Free, Dairy-Free
  • Free of milk, egg, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans and sesame. Also free of corn, gluten, barley, rice, sodium and sugar.

Pure Encapsulations P5P 50 | Vitamin B6 Supplement to Support Metabolism* | 60 Capsules

$19.20  in stock
as of March 24, 2025 2:24 pm


  • Activated Vitamin B6: Pure Encapsulations P5P 50, an active vitamin B6 dietary supplement form, supports energy metabolism, heart, and brain health*
  • Energy Metabolic Support: Activated vitamin B6 facilitates the release of glycogen used in energy production; balances body fluids*
  • Immune Health Aid: Easy-to-swallow capsules support the production of antibodies and red blood cells*
  • Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take 1 non-GMO, gluten free capsule, 1-2 times daily, with meals
  • Pure Difference: What we leave out matters, too; Pure Encapsulations products are FREE FROM common allergens, artificial or unnecessary ingredients, and GMOs


Morning sickness remedies B6 Unisom consider a safe and highly recommended combination therapy to reduce the symptoms of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

It’s recommended to try non-medication remedies first before starting taking any medication, such as: frequently eat small meals instead of large ones, or take a bite of any kind of carbohydrate before getting up from the bed like (crackers or dry toast).

If it doesn’t work, start to take vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), first by alone as 10-25 mg three times a day (every 6 to 8 hours). If you aren’t relieved and still suffer from nausea and vomiting, start to take competition therapy vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and Unisom (doxylamine) as 25 mg once before bed.

There is also a prescription drug of that combination therapy called (Diclegis). It contains the same active ingredient (doxylamine/pyridoxine). You can take it as one medication instead of two medications.

Diclegis may cause some side effects such as (drowsiness). But you have to stop taking Unisom and B6 if you notice any severe side effects such as shortness of breath, seizure, fast heartbeat, or difficult urination.

Remember to ask your doctor before taking any medication to maintain your safe dose and ensure that the medication doesn’t interact with any other drugs you are taking.


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