Common Breastfeeding Problems – How To Solve Them?
After a newborn baby, most moms often face common breastfeeding problems. Breastfeeding is natural but it is not always as easy as many mothers believe. Along your nursing journey, you may have to face several common breastfeeding problems from sore nipples to leaking nipples. It is always important for you to seek advice from the experts who know the breasts and babies best.
Take a look at some of the common breastfeeding problems:
- Sore Nipples
- Improper Latching
- Breastfeeding Engorgement
- Low Milk Supply
- Clogged Ducts
In this article:
How Can I solve Breastfeeding Problems? Solution Guide 2020
Sore Nipples
One of the most common problems is sore nipples. You can experience it within 30 seconds of your first time nursing. However, it can lead to consistent pain during breastfeeding.
Teach your baby how to latch on properly. You may need consultation from your lactation. Let your nipple heal, and start nursing with the other breast (that doesn’t show any sign or sore nipples). Once you’re done with feeding, let your nipples air dry. Moreover, you can use ointment on your nipples and make sure to cover them with a nursing pad. Applying a cool compress on your nipples can be helpful. If you want to take a pain reliever, consult with your doctor first

Improper Latching
Your baby may not latch properly. A newborn always takes time to manage a great latch. Moreover, a lack of coordination between a mother and a baby and flat or inverted nipples often leads to improper latching. As a result, you are more likely to experience pain during breastfeeding, but it won’t last long.
You can draw out inverted or flat nipples to reduce one of the most common breastfeeding problems. Consider nipple formers that can easily fit inside your bra. Draw out your inverted nipples by applying gentle pressure.
The other way to go is to make tiny adjustments during feeding. For instance, your newborn should be comfortable and well-positioned during nursing. Hold her firmly and ensure that her chin is close to your breast.
Most importantly, seek expert advice from your lactation consultant to ensure diagnosing the cause of the problem. It can help you develop a plan to support breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding Engorgement
Do you know about breastfeeding engorgement?
When your breast becomes full with a lot of milk, it leads to engorgement. Firm and taut breasts can make it difficult for your baby to latch properly. At the same time, engorged breasts are uncomfortable for mom, of course. This problem often occurs at the beginning of the breastfeeding journey. Moreover, when your baby does not drain your milk, you are more likely to face breastfeeding engorgement.
Engorged breasts only last for 24 to 48 hours. To ease your comfort till then, ensure breastfeeding your baby frequently. You can even use a warm compress and cold compress before and after feeding respectively. While feeding, massage your breasts to reduce engorgement.
Low Milk Supply
In the beginning, you may experience low milk supply because your hormones slowly trigger your milk production. As a result, you may worry that your baby is not getting enough milk. However, there is nothing to worry about as your baby has a tiny stomach, of course. But, make sure that your baby is not losing weight than expected. Weight loss and few wet nappies are signs of low milk supply. Therefore, make sure your baby is not showing any sign of dehydration.
If you suspect that your baby is not getting enough milk, it is the right time to visit a lactation consultant. By frequently stimulating, you can ensure more milk production. Most importantly, never follow a strict schedule. Always feed your baby when she demands it.
Clogged Ducts
Longer than usual feeds cause milk back up into your ducts. As a result, it leads to clogged ducts. A hard lump on your breast is often a symptom of a clogged duct. Other symptoms include redness and sore to the touch.
When it comes to unclogging the duct, breastfeeding can keep the milk flowing to resolve this problem. However, you can opt for a warm compress on your breast before feeding. While you are nursing, massage your lump. By using a breast pump, drain the affected breast once your baby is done.

Warning Signs Of Breastfeeding Problems In New Moms
Short/long nursing sessions, baby’s hunger after feedings, breast engorgement, and severe breast pain are signs of breastfeeding problems.
After a #newbornbaby, most #moms often face #commonbreastfeedingproblems. #Breastfeeding is natural but it is not always as easy as many #mothers ...Common Breastfeeding Problems and Their Solutions
Short or long nursing sessions
Such nursing sessions during the first few months show that your baby is not getting enough breast milk supply. Short sessions are caused by a lack of milk supply due to less milk production. On the other hand, long sessions are due to ineffective suckling. If you suspect this warning sign of a breastfeeding problem, consult your doctor.
Baby’s hunger after feedings
If your baby still feels hungry after frequent feedings, it means something is wrong with your breastfeeding. She should latch on properly and well-positioned at the breast.
Severe breast engorgement
Breast engorgement is another sign of a breastfeeding problem. It can result in hard and painful breasts. As a result, your baby may not latch on properly.
Severe pain during breastfeeding
If you have cracking nipples, you are more likely to experience severe breast pain during breastfeeding. Make sure to consult your experienced lactation or physician.
Best Guidelines For Successful Breastfeeding: New Moms
New moms may find it difficult to ensure successful breastfeeding. When you do this for the first time, you are not mature, of course. Proper guidelines can help you support breastfeeding and reduce the chances of common breastfeeding problems at the same time.
For your comfort, we have come along with a couple of vital breastfeeding facts a new mom should know.
Breastfeeding Problems: The Facts A New Mom Should Know
Breast milk comes in three different stages
Do you know your breast milk comes in three stages and each stage meets your baby’s needs?
Colostrum: Colostrum is a yellow substance that your breast produces in the beginning. Your baby needs to fight against infection in the early days. This yellowish substance provides essential nutrients and antibodies to help your baby.
Transitional milk: After three to five days of birth, transitional milk takes the place of colostrums. It looks like a mixture of orange juice and milk which helps your baby’s growth.
Mature milk: Mature milk comes in the second week. It is white milk and thinner as compared to transitional milk. As the last stage of your breast milk, it meets your baby’s feeding needs during successful breastfeeding.
Successful breastfeeding usually takes 20 to 45 minutes
When it comes to breastfeeding, your baby needs it every two to three hours in the early stage. If your baby completely drains at least one breast, it means feeding is done. Each feeding takes 20 to 45 minutes for newborns.
Breastfeeding Problems Solving Tips: 2020 Guidelines
Anticipate your baby’s desires
You need to anticipate your baby’s needs for breastfeeding. Your baby may feel hungry after frequent breastfeeding, which means there is something wrong. Here are some of the signs that suggest a baby is hungry.
- Raise her head repeatedly
- Open and close her mouth
- Try to suck whatever is near
- Stick out her tongue
Make sure to offer your breast right away if you suspect any of these moves.
Don’t worry, leaking is natural
One of the common problems is the leaking of milk from breasts which happens in the first few weeks. It is completely natural, do not worry at all. There are other reasons as well when it can happen. For instance, upon hearing your baby cry, when your baby is not nursed for many hours, thinking of your baby, and when you feel strong emotions.
The leaking of your breasts will eventually disappear as your baby continues to be breastfed. Till then, it is better to place a nursing pad in your bra that can absorb the leaks.

Get rid of nipples pain
Nipples are, of course, sensitive area for every woman. You may experience nipple pain during breastfeeding due to a bad latch. Moreover, after three hours of continuous nursing, it can lead to downright raw nipples.
As your baby continues breastfeeding, nipple pain tends to disappear. However, in the meantime, you can use purified lanolin onto your nipples after each feeding session. By doing this, you can get rid of excessive dryness as well. Moreover, if you are experiencing cracks or blisters, the tannin in tea is the best remedy. Use it as an excellent warm compress.

Fix your inverted nipples
Many women with inverted or flat nipples believe that they cannot breastfeed successfully. It can be difficult at first, but you can fix your inverted nipples. Use nipple shields that help stimulate the baby’s sucking reflex. With time, it can lead to inverted nipples as the breast tissue will adjust.