Benefits of Similac Pro Advance | Similac Pro Advance Instructions | Best Price for Similac Pro Advance 2021

The sea of formulas is never-ending, right? And finding the best formula is no easy task for sure. So we are giving you an article about the Similac products and their worth, especially the benefits of Similac Pro Advance.

We chose the Similac brand as it is one of the best brands out there and the most known, they also provide a variety of formulas for different conditions and different ages as well.

That is why we will tackle the most famous products that Similac has to offer so that if Similac was your formula of choice then getting a specific formula might be easier and our big question of the benefits of Similac Pro Advance will be answered as well.


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Benefits of Similac Pro Advance | Similac Pro Advance Instructions

The sea of #formulas is never-ending, right? And #finding the #bestformula is no easy task for sure. So, we are giving you an article about the #SimilacProducts ...


Similac Advance

Similac Advance Infant Formula with Iron Baby Formula is the full name of the Similac Advance which is one of the most popular formulas out there. The mimicking of the caloric density of breast milk is what makes this formula special as we all know that breast milk is the best meal you can offer your baby, plus the OptiGRO factor that Similac created exclusively for their products. 

The OptiGRO is a blend of nutrients that include DHA and it is an essential nutrient for your baby’s brain development, lutein which is naturally found in vegetables and fruits and it is essential for proper eye growth and development, vitamin E and that is an antioxidant which serves to achieve proper body functions, nucleotides help to build body cells as they are the main components of DNA, antioxidants that help babies get rid of infections that can affect your baby as well as prebiotics which help with digestion and fight both gas and constipation so that your baby can have a happy tummy. 

Besides, the formula is sugar-free and has a great amount of Iron that surpasses breast milk with great amounts of fat, calories, and proteins as well. 

What is also remarkable about this formula is that it is free from any genetically modified organisms also known as GMOs and while all of that is great, there are some side effects to this formula, such as gas and stomach aches which should be prevented by the prebiotics but if your baby has a sensitive tummy then this formula might not be the best choice, also your little one might not like the taste or smell of the formula.

Before we compare the benefits of Similac Pro Advance vs Advance- in case you want to choose one or the other- we will discuss the Similac Pro Advance.

Similac Advance Infant Formula

Benefits of similac pro advance

A question that gets asked a lot is what is Similac Pro Advance good for? Well, the Similac Pro-Advance Infant Formula, with 2’-FL HMO for Immune Support, Non-GMO, Baby Formula is Similac’s formula that is closest to breast milk due to the addition of 2′-FL HMO, or human milk oligosaccharide which is a prebiotic found in human milk. And like all of Similac’s formulas, this formula is non-GMO as well as corn syrup free which is a feature that more companies should opt for. 

The main benefits of Similac Pro Advance lie in non-fat milk and lactose which are the main ingredients for this formula, as these are what provide the baby with the needed energy, and the HMO which helps the growth of healthy bacteria, also this formula is high in fat and linoleic acid for brain health purposes. And just like the Similac advance, this formula is rich in lutein, DHA, and vitamin E. 

What this formula also has is a concentrated level of whey protein, and this level of cow milk protein can cause digestive issues for babies, but then again the brand claims that their formula reduces fussiness in twenty-four hours so you should check that claim.

Also, you might want to know that Similac Pro Advance calories are in the range of 100 calories for every 150 ml of the formula. 

The company offers some Similac Pro Advance instructions for mixing, storing, and feeding. When preparing the formula:

  • Boil water for about 1 minute, then remove it from heat. 
  • Cool down the water until it reaches room temperature before adding the powdered formula as making the formula with boiling water can make it clumpy and it decreases the nutritional value.
  • Before you feed it to the baby, test a few drops of the formula on the inside of your wrist to make sure it is not too hot.
  • Feed or refrigerate the prepared formula.

When storing the formula: 

  • Once you have opened the formula, store it in a sealed container in a cool and dry place.
  • After mixing, feed it to the baby immediately or refrigerate it` in a sealed container and use it within 24 hours.
  • Do not freeze mixed formula as this can cause the protein and fat to separate.
  • You should not put the unmixed powder in the fridge.
  • Use the product within 1 month.

These instructions are taken directly from the Similac web page so be sure that these are accurate instructions.

Similac Pro Advance price

You can buy the formula from many places, so you might want to search for the best price for Similac Pro Advance as it can save you a lot of money. You can check the main Similac website, amazon, eBay, or many more each time you make the purchase as the prices change all the time and you might find an offer on the formula.

The company provides many benefits of Similac Pro Advance so this might be a great choice for you if you are looking for the closest formula to breastmilk.

Similac Pro-Advance

Which is better Similac Pro Advance or Advance?

Is Similac Advance and Pro Advance the same? Or is there a difference between Pro Advance and Advance Similac? Those are the most related questions when comparing Similac Pro Advance vs Advance to find if the extra charge and benefits of Similac Pro Advance are worth it. 

Both products are mainly the same except for a few not so minor details, they are the same in the aspect of having OptiGro ingredients which include Lutein, DHA, and Vitamin E, and most of the same ingredients are used. But on the other hand, a few differences might help you decide if you want the benefits of Similac Pro Advance. 

The Similac Pro Advance has 2′ – FL HMO included which makes it as close to breast milk as it can be because this ingredient forms around 70 percent of the breast milk. 

The Similac advance has the disadvantage of being a GMO product as it is treated with R-BST which is a Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin is a genetically engineered form of Bovine Somatotropin and that is a hormone produced by the cows’ pituitary glands, but the Similac Pro Advance is a non-GMO formula. This is why you might think that the expensive price of the Similac pro Advance is worth it. 

Also, the taste and smell of the Similac Pro Advance are a little sharper but it might not be that noticeable to your baby, although it can be different compared to breast milk.

Both formulas are said to have ingredients that reduce spit-up, vomiting, and gas but they might not set well with your baby if they have a sensitive stomach.

So, do you think that the benefits of Similac Pro Advance are worth the extra pennies? 

First and Second stage formulas

After discussing the benefits of the Similac Pro Advance, do you think that knowing that there is another type of formula would change your mind?

All infant formula milk is made from mixed ingredients of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, basically all the needed nutrients. There are strict regulations in place that must be followed by all formula companies to ensure that infant kinds of milk are similar and meet certain standards when it comes to nutrients. Almost all formulas are based on cow’s milk protein, but some are based on goat’s milk and soy milk protein.

But babies need different things as they grow, for example, they only need milk for the first six months of their lives and after that, they need solid foods to be added to their diet to ensure proper nutrients and feeding schemes, and here enters the first and second stage formulas.

First stage infant formula and second stage infant formula are basically the same nutritionally wise. The main difference between them is what type of protein is used in the making. 

First stage infant formulas are mainly made with whey protein and second stage infant kinds of milk– usually marketed for hungrier babies- are made with casein protein.

Casein protein takes longer to digest because it forms a thicker curd in the stomach making babies feel fuller for longer and while that would help with a hungrier baby, casein won’t provide your baby with any more nutrition at all, and in fact, a baby who is hungrier than usual and wants to be fed more often usually needs more nutrients for their development. 

On the other hand, Whey based protein used in first stage infant milk is the preferred alternative to breast milk during the whole of your baby’s first year.

And this increases the benefits of Similac Pro Advance as it is made with whey protein which is suitable for both first and second-stage formulas, as the first stage starts from day one to six months and the second stage starts from six months up to two years.

The Similac company seems to think of everything that parents might need and this is why they provided two formulas called Similac Pro Advance Step 1 and Similac Pro Advance Step 2 for the first and second stages of the baby’s feeding plan, although they are mainly available in Canada, you can always order them online if you think they are what you need. And we will give a quick comparison of the two products.

Similac Pro Advance Step 1 vs Similac Pro advance Step 2 

Both formulas are pretty much the same, they both have the common features of most Similac products. The two formulas are prepared with 2’-FL HMO which as we mentioned are the third most abundant component of breast milk and it helps with the immunity support as it grows the good bacteria, protects against the harmful ones and supports the development and growth of the immunity system. 

Both of them are also rich in nutrients like, DHA, Lutein, and Vitamin E which are essential for brain and eye development. Other nutrients are also included like linoleic acid, folic acid, vitamin A and vitamin D.

The benefits of Similac Pro Advance Step 1 lie in the fact that it is suitable for newborn babies which means that you can use it from day one and through the first year. 

While the benefits of Similac Pro Advance Step 2 come from the enrichment of the nutrients in the formula as it contains more calcium and other needed nutrients for growing babies to give a better development and it is suitable to use from the beginning of six months and up to the ending of the baby’s second year.

Although some parents prefer to continue using the first stage formula with the addition of solid food to provide the extra needed nutrients.

Similac NeoSure Infant Formula

Go & Grow by Similac Toddler Drink 

Similac for newborn

If you want to start your baby on formula from day one, there are formulas specially prepared to help you with that, but there are a few guidelines that you need to follow first. You need to ease your infant’s way in, for the first couple of days, your baby will probably need 1 to 3 ounces at each feeding which should take place each 3 to fours or on-demand. 

You will need to increase the ounces you use gradually as you will notice that your baby’s demand becomes greater, but beware to never push your baby to take more than he wants. 

The same rules apply if you are planning to combine formula with breast milk or use bottles to serve the baby milk that you have pumped and give your baby only as much as they are hungry for without forcing them to finish if they don’t want to. 

A rule of thumb that is known for new parents is to take your baby’s weight and multiply it by 2.5 to get the total number of ounces to feed your baby over the course of a 24 hour period. So if your baby weighs 10 pounds, they should be drinking roughly 20 to 25 ounces per day or about 3 to 4 ounces every four hours.

Is Similac Pro Advance good for newborns? That is a question that gets asked a lot, and the answer is yes which adds to the benefits of Similac Pro Advance.

Similac offers a few formulas that are suitable for newborns as well, like the first stage formula or the Similac Sensitive. You will find most of the formulas fitting for newborns but you will need to ask your pediatrician for the proper formula to use. 

Frequently asked questions 

Is Similac Pro Advance worth it?

Most people ask whether is Similac Pro Advance good or not, and the answer lies in the benefits of Similac Pro Advance. If you want a formula that is as close to breast milk as it can get and has none of the GMOs used in the making of it while being full of nutrients then this formula might be your best choice. 

But you might want to check and see if the benefits of the Similac Pro Advance outweigh its high price.

Can you mix Similac Advance and Pro Advance?

If you would like to mix two different types of formula together, you will need to check the ingredients list first, you will need to make sure that they are compatible and you can ask your pediatrician to help you with that decision as you can find that your baby responds to the mix better. 

So if you would like to mix Similac Advance and Pro Advance just make sure that you are following the standard mixing instructions and beware that they might change from one formula to the other.  

How long is Similac Pro Advance good for?

As instructed by the Similac company, formula made from powder must be used within 24 hours as for the ready to use liquid formulas, they must be used within 48 to 72 hours after opening and once the powder has been mixed with water or Ready to use bottles have been opened, they must be stored in the refrigerator until feeding.

Enfamil Enspire Baby Formula with Immune-Supporting Lactoferrin, Brain Building DHA, Our Closest Formula to Breast Milk, Refill Boxes, 30 Oz (Pack of 4)

 in stock
as of March 21, 2025 5:11 pm


  • OUR CLOSEST FORMULA TO BREAST MILK: Enspire Optimum is Enfamil’s closest formula to breast milk with lactoferrin, found in colostrum + breast milk, and Dual HMOs.
  • PROTEIN YOUR BABY NEEDS: Enspire Optimum has lactoferrin; an important protein in breast milk + colostrum that aids in iron absorption and supports baby’s immune system.
  • EXCLUSIVE HuMO6 IMMUNE BLEND: Formula designed from breast milk with key components, such as 2’-FL HMO, LNnT HMO, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc, and Selenium.
  • PEACE OF MIND: Enspire Optimum has NO artificial growth hormones, NO artificial colors or flavors, and NON-GMO, designed for complete nutrition for babies through 12 months.
  • TRUSTED BY PARENTS & PEDIATRICIANS*: Enfamil is the #1 Trusted Infant Formula Brand By Pediatricians* & Parents and the #1 Trusted Brand for Brain-Building & Immune Support.

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Take away

  • The benefits of Similac Pro Advance are many and make it worth its high price. But if you have an issue with the price and you are willing to let go of some of the benefits, then the Similac Advance will be your suitable choice.
  • You may want to use first-stage and second-stage formulas in your baby’s feeding plan, and you can ask your pediatrician if they are needed.
  • Most Similac formulas are suitable for newborns, so you will find it easy enough to choose a formula among them.


  1. […] Similac Advance Infant Formula is one of the most common Similac formulas, and it was the first formula where Similac tried to mimic breast milk. This formula is OptiGro, which is a feature found only in Similac products, this OptiGRO feature consists of a blend of nutrients that include: […]

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