How long does it take for a baby to adjust to formula change? 4 best things you must know

How long does it take for a baby to adjust to formula change? depends on several factors, however, it is important to note that it does not take ages. Different babies would take time-frame to adjust to formula change, because they differ in tolerance and several other reasons.

A change in baby formula might be as a result of an allergic reactions and the doctor has advised such a change. It could be as a result of medical conditions. There are cases such as shortage of the particular formula the baby is used to, or there has been a recall of that formula.

Recently, there was news of about 3 babies who were hospitalized for infection that developed as a result of using a particular formula. The warning of the FDA in February 2022, prompted the voluntary recall of the affected formulas by the manufacturers.

Thus, this recall has once again prompted the question ‘how long does it take for a baby to adjust to formula change? Since the babies that are used to the said formula would definitely have to make a formula switch.

Answering the Question how long does it take for a baby to adjust to formula change?

To answer the question how long does it take a baby to adjust to formula change? Dr. Lauren Crosby, a board pediatrician and AAA spokesperson and medical advisor stated that though older babies tend to notice a change in the taste of the formula, babies quickly adjust to formula change.

However, there are cases babies would not want to accept the new formula. He advised that parents should wait till their babies are hungry, as they would not mind taking the new formula in that state.

For a tentative day range, it is stated that babies adjust to formula change between 3 to 5 days, and in odd cases, about a

week or two.

How long does it take for a baby to-adjust to formula change

How long does it take for a baby to-adjust to formula change


How to make a switch from one baby formula to another?

After considering how long does it take for a baby to adjust to formula change? The next thing to consider is how to make the switch from one baby formula to another.

Although there is no hard and fast rule to it, but for you to change from one baby formula to another, you are advised to be strategic in such a formula switch. Dr. Crosby noted that if your baby consumes a cow-milk based formula, you should consider changing to another cow-milk based formula.

Where your baby is on a specialized formula, such as the hypoallergenic, you should switch to another hypoallergenic formula. And since there are variants of this formula, you might be left confused of the right one to pick. In this sort of situation, Dr. Crosby advised that you consult your child’s doctor for guidance on how long does it take for a baby to adjust to formula change?

How long after changing baby formula do you see side effect?

Since it takes just about a week for a baby to fully transition into a new formula, you should start seeing the effect of a formula change in your baby soon.

You should be on the lookout for the reasons/symptoms that made you make the change initially. Also, note that babies are different, and especially, some have very sensitive tummies, thus, they might react differently to other babies that don’t have sensitive tummy.

Kindly be on the lookout for poop change, gas passage, skin change, spitting up, sleep schedule and blood in stool. For anything unusual, please give your baby’s doctor a call immediately.

Still want to know more on how long does it take for a baby to adjust to formula change?

Is it ok to switch back and forth between baby formula – how long does it take for a baby to adjust to formula change?

It is a fact that different brands of same formula contain same ingredients, hence switching back and forth between baby formula is not a problem.

Though many mothers still express worries that it might affect their baby’s stool passage or cause fussiness. However, as stated, there is nothing to be afraid of when you consider switching back and forth between baby formula. More so, you can give your baby a mixture of two brands of same formula, the key is to note if your baby responds very well to such.

Switching back and forth between baby formula depends on your preference and your baby’s reaction. You are advised to be on the lookout for the ingredients in each formula, and be certain you are following the requisite mixing measurement and instructions. You should also have the knowledge of how long does it take for a baby to adjust to formula? when switching back and forth.

Why switch back and forth between baby formula?

A variety of reasons make mothers consider a switch back and forth between baby formulas. These include fussiness or when their baby is not getting the required sleep or gassy. Other reasons might be as a result of the price of the formula, ease of preparation, and the availability of the formula in the market.

In switching between formulas, there are vital things you have to know. All milk based and iron-fortified formulas have a concentrate of cow milk as a source of protein and for carbohydrates, lactose. Some little variations exist, where some formulas combine whey protein in their milk-based formula. Different types of oils provide the fat sources for this formula.

Type of protein in Formula

After due consideration of how long does it take for a baby to adjust to formula change? Now we take the type of protein in formula.

Three main sources of protein exist in baby formula. They are;

  • Cow’s milk being the most common.
  • Hypoallergenic, which is a source of protein that has been broken down into smaller parts. It is a fact that this formula does not taste very nice, and it is often very expensive. In addition, they are used by babies who ae unable to digest instant protein.
  • Soy’s protein, a special source of protein for babies with certain health conditions who are allergic to whey and casein, two major protein sources found in cow’s milk.

When you make a switch, ensure you switch within same protein source formula. If you, however, decide to switch out of the current protein source found in your baby’s formula, you should consult with your doctor on possible guidelines or information you will need to make the switch.

There are misinformation and beliefs that spitting up in your baby and gas passage is a result of the type of protein found in your baby’s formula. This is not true.  however, making a switch between brands of baby formula will help parents determine if their baby react to a particular brand.

The major difference between formula is the taste. However, some babies are picky about formulas they consume, and would reject a particular formula for another.

Though breastmilk also changes in taste depending on the food ate by the breastfeeding mother, most formula fed babies do not have to worry about a change in taste or flavor of a new formula.

Indications that your baby has a formula allergy.

  1. Vomiting
  2. Blood in baby’s stool
  3. Diarrhea
  4. Abdominal cramping
  5. Skin rashes

You should call your doctor immediately you notice any of these signs.

Should you change formula if your baby is Gassy?

Several reasons propel mothers to change formula, and one of them might be as a result of gas in their babies. It must be noted that because a mother made a change away from a particular formula does not mean that formula is bad. That is not true, as all formulas produced and marketed in the United States are mandated to meet the same Federal Nutrients standards.

Thus, babies differ and their reaction to a particular formula is always different and relative. If you baby does not accept a particular formula, the advisable is to change formula till you are able to get a formula your baby can tolerate and love. But take notice of how long does it take for a baby to adjust to formula change?

The standard recommendation is that mothers should start their babies on a milk-based formula unless a doctor has stated that the baby’s circumstance warrants the use of a specialised formula.

Where your baby does not take a formula, the ideal thing to do is to be on the lookout for the allergic reaction exhibited. Some of them are:

Bloody Stool

Noticing blood in your baby’s stool is a scary sight. This might be caused as a result of taking a formula that your baby is intolerant to. One of the culprits for such reaction is cow-milk, a protein source for standard formula. Where you notice such blood stool, it is advisable to give your pediatrician a call, so he or she can offer suggestions and probably recommend change in formula.

Excessive Spit up

Since baby’s digestive systems are underdeveloped, there is tendency they will spit up. However, where the spit up is excessive, this might be a major concern. Unreasonable weight loss and where your baby does not wet diapers at least every 6 hours are major concern. Where your baby spit up twice, of more than 2 tablespoons per feeding, is a major formula intolerance issue.

Extra Fussiness after feeding

Different reasons might make a baby break into a cry fit, but where your baby becomes inconsolable during or after feeding, is a major formula intolerance issue. Studies have shown amongst 251 babies between 1 to 3 months who were prone to excessive fussiness as a result of being fed with milk-based formula witnessed substantial decrease in fussiness when they changed to whey-based protein formula, a special and partially hydrolyzed formula.

Severe Constipation

It is not. Out of place for formula-fed babies to have at least one stool passage a day. However, where a baby goes two days without a bowel movement is a major concern.

If your baby is passing out hard small stool or not having any bowel movement, this is a symptom of sever constipation. The best solution is to change the baby’s diet or formula.

It is very wrong to switch to a low-iron based content in a bid to ease constipation, as iron is essential to a child’s growth and development, and the amount find in any standard formula does not cause constipation.


An estimated percentage of babies’ experience milk allergies in their first few months feeding on formula, however, some quickly outgrow it. The symptoms of this allergies are shown and noticed in the first few days of feeding on the formula, or some days after feeding. These symptoms are;

  • Wheezing
  • Fussiness
  • Loose stools that may contain blood
  • Eczema
  • Vomiting
  • Hives
  • Refusing bottles

If you notice any of these highlighted symptoms or any other in your baby, please contact your pediatrician.

Is It okay to switch from-Enfamil Neuropro to Gentlease

Is It okay to switch from-Enfamil Neuropro to Gentlease

 The above should give you insight how long does it take for a baby to adjust to formula change?

Is It okay to switch from Enfamil Neuropro to Gentlease – how long does it take for a baby to adjust to formula change? 

Many mothers have wondered if switching from Enfamil Neuropro to Gentlease is safe. Switching from one brand of formula to another is not a problem as long as the mother’s needs are addressed and the baby adjusts quickly to the change.

To begin, there are a few misconceptions concerning formula switching that must be addressed. And to distinguish between myth and reality. Five (5) aspects of this misconception would be addressed, and the exposition would offer you the information you require, particularly in regards to switching from Enfamil Neuropro to Gentlease.

The first myth is that switching formula brands solves feeding problems; it is incorrect to believe that switching formula brands solves feeding problems. Instead of switching brands, it may be necessary to switch to a different recipe.

Your pediatrician will be able to advise you on the best formula to meet your baby’s nutritional needs. Rather than wasting money on several brands of formula that your kid may reject, check your doctor or experiment with switching between formulas from the same brand.

More myth

The second myth is that switching from a regular to a special formula is impossible; many moms choose to progressively mix formulas when switching between formulas. Regular and special formula, on the other hand, offer all of the nutrients your baby requires for growth and development.

As a result, there is no risk in switching to a new formula totally, as long as you are aware of the change that may occur, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or blood in the stool.

Third myth: after using a special formula, your baby will eventually need to switch back to a regular formula; you do not need to switch back to a regular formula after a doctor has asked you to get a special formula for a baby’s special feeding need, as all formulas contain the necessary nourishment for a baby’s development.

When it comes to judging stool, don’t compare the stools of breastfeeding and formula-fed babies because they differ. Therefore, stool does not necessarily determine the switch. If you’re worried about your baby’s bowel movements, you should consult your doctor.

The fifth myth is that if your child is allergic to cow’s milk, they must avoid dairy products for the rest of their lives. If your child is allergic to cow’s milk, they do not have to avoid dairy products for the rest of their lives. By the age of five, those allergies will have faded, and your doctor will be able to manage the return of cow and dairy products into your child’s diet.

Is It okay to-switch from Enfamil Neuropro to Gentlease

Is It okay to-switch from Enfamil Neuropro to Gentlease



How long it takes for baby to adjust to formula change was addressed in this article, and it was noted that it should take a baby 3-5 days to adjust to formula change. In rear cases, it takes about 1 week for a baby to adjust to formula change. Thus, whenever you choose to make a formula change, you should have it at the back of your mind that your baby should adjust to a formula change within 3-5 days and a week.

Frequently Asked Question

What are the side effect of switching formula?

It is not in every situation that your baby would have side effect from switching formula. However, if a side effect should occur from switching formula, the signs are constipation, frequent throwing up, diarrhea, and gassiness. Others may include blood in stool, wheezing after a meal and/or congestion.

When is it time to consider switching formula?

If you are a very observant mother, you should consider switching formula when you observe that your baby has large spit-ups after eating. When there is fussiness and crying after meal. Also, when your child loses weight or does not gain weight, you should consider switching formula on your doctor’s recommendation.

Noticing blood stool in your baby’s bowel movement is also a great concern, and one of the reasons you should consider switching formula. Lastly, heavy vomiting is an indication that your baby might be intolerant to the formula you are feeding it with, hence the need to consider switching formula.

What is the best baby formula to switch to?

There is no direct answer to this question. Switching formula is not something that is done at will. Sometimes, events often prompt the switch, such as your baby not accepting a formula, or has developed reaction to one. Where this happen, your pediatrician will advise and recommend the best formula that suits your baby’s needs, thence, that formula to your baby might be the best baby formula to switch to.

Outbound links

Switching baby formula— Everything you need to know about how to switch from one baby formula to another

Considerations When Changing Formulas
Your Guide To Switching Baby Formula

Should You Mix or Switch Between Baby Formula Brands?

Switching From Enfamil Infant To Gentlease (Safe To Do?)

Switching to Enfamil Gentlease

Baby Formula Side Effects

Happy Baby Organics Infant Formula Milk Based Powder with Iron packaging may vary, Stage 1, 84 Ounce, Pack of 4

 out of stock


  • Modeled After Breast Milk & made with carefully sourced premium ingredients, this formula is made with organic lactose the principal carbohydrate found in breast milk Our formula provides key vitamins and minerals that are found naturally in breast milk
  • With 4X More Prebiotics than most other organic infant formula, our formula delivers 2 prebiotics, GOS & FOS, Fibers that mimic the function of prebiotics found naturally in breast milk, which promote healthy gut bacteria in infants No corn syrup solids
  • Happy Baby: We provide organic, delicious options for your baby's nutritional journey; Happy Baby offers baby food pouches, organic cereals, teething wafers, baby snacks and more made for your little one
  • Happy Family Organics: We are on a mission to change the trajectory of children's health through nutrition; We provide age and stage appropriate premium organic food products for baby, tot, kid, and mama
  • Our Happy Promise: All products are certified USDA organic, made with non-GMO ingredients grown without the use of toxic persistent pesticides and in packaging made without BPA, BPS, or phthalates

Gerber Good Start Baby Formula Powder, GentlePro, Stage 1, 32 Ounce (Package May Vary)

 in stock
as of January 11, 2025 7:33 pm


  • Gentle Nutrition: Modeled after the complete nutrition and gentleness of breastmilk, this formula offers complete nutrition for babies up to 12 months
  • Probiotic Formula: Our Gentle formula is specially designed with easy to digest Comfort Proteins, prebiotics (important components in breastmilk), and DHA to help support brain and eye development
  • Give Your Baby a Good Start: Your baby’s nutritional needs evolve over time. That's why we created the Gerber Good Start line. Made to comfort your baby's tummy and available in a range of products
  • Wholesome Options: Introduce your infant to complimentary staged products like single grain Cereals and 1st Foods fruit and veggie purees with Gerber infant formulas, probiotic supplements and more
  • Nutrition For Growing: Like your baby, we're always growing and learning. More than ever we're committed to being your partner in parenthood with quality ingredients, nutritious food and expert guidance

Similac Alimentum with 2'-FL HMO Hypoallergenic Infant Formula, for Food Allergies and Colic, Suitable for Lactose Sensitivity, Ready-to-Feed Baby Formula, 32-oz Bottle (Case of 6)

$78.60  in stock
as of January 11, 2025 7:33 pm


  • HYPOALLERGENIC: Our formula is suitable for lactose sensitivity and has broken-down protein that is easy to digest for babies with food allergies or colic due to protein sensitivity
  • START FEELING BETTER TODAY: Similac Alimentum starts reducing colic symptoms due to protein sensitivity within 24 hours in most infants
  • WITH AN IMMUNE-NOURISHING INGREDIENT: First and only hypoallergenic formula with 2 -FL HMO, an immune-nourishing ingredient
  • EBT ELIGIBLE: Eligible to be purchased with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits in select stores; The SNAP name is a service mark of the US Department of Agriculture The USDA does not endorse any goods, services, or enterprises

Happy Baby Organics Infant Formula Milk Based Powder with Iron 21 packaging may vary, Stage 2, 84 Ounce

$109.16  out of stock
as of January 11, 2025 7:33 pm


  • Modeled After Breast Milk & made with carefully sourced premium ingredients, this formula is made with organic lactose the principal carbohydrate found in breast milk Our formula provides key vitamins and minerals that are found naturally in breast milk
  • With 4X More Prebiotics than most other organic infant formula, our formula delivers two prebiotics, GOS & FOS, Fibers that mimic the function of prebiotics found naturally in breast milk, which promote healthy gut bacteria in infants No corn syrup
  • Happy Baby: We provide organic, delicious options for your baby's nutritional journey; Happy Baby offers baby food pouches, organic cereals, teething wafers, baby snacks and more made for your little one
  • Happy Family Organics: We are on a mission to change the trajectory of children's health through nutrition; We provide age and stage appropriate premium organic food products for baby, tot, kid, and mama
  • Our Happy Promise: All products are certified USDA organic, made with non-GMO ingredients grown without the use of toxic persistent pesticides and in packaging made without BPA, BPS, or phthalates

Similac 360 Total Care Sensitive Infant Formula, with 5 HMO Prebiotics for Fussiness & Gas Due to Lactose Sensitivity, Non-GMO, Baby Formula, Ready-to-Feed, 8 Fl Oz, Pack of 24

 in stock
as of January 11, 2025 7:33 pm


  • OUR CLOSEST SENSITIVE FORMULA TO BREAST MILK THAN EVER BEFORE: Our biggest formula breakthrough for sensitive tummies is gentle nutrition designed to ease common tummy troubles like fussiness and gas due to lactose sensitivity
  • EXCLUSIVE BLEND OF PREBIOTICS: Similac 360 Total Care Sensitive has an exclusive blend of 5 HMO prebiotics structurally identical to those in breast milk
  • 360 WHOLE-BABY SUPPORT: Nutrition designed for immune support, brain development, and digestive health
  • CONVENIENT & READY TO USE: Great for on-the-go and late-night feeding; no mixing required

Happy Baby Organics Infant Formula, Milk Based Powder with Iron Stage 2, Packaging May Vary, Multi, 21 Oz

 out of stock


  • Modeled After Breast Milk & made with carefully sourced premium ingredients, this formula is made with organic lactose the principal carbohydrate found in breast milk. Our formula provides key vitamins and minerals that are found naturally in breast milk.
  • With 4X More Prebiotics than most other organic infant formula, our formula delivers two prebiotics, GOS & FOS, Fibers that mimic the function of prebiotics found naturally in breast milk, which promote healthy gut bacteria in infants. No corn syrup. State of Readiness: Ready to Eat
  • Happy Baby: At Happy Baby Organics, we provide organic and delicious options for your baby's nutritional journey. We develop premium organic recipes perfectly matched with your child's age and stage. This is enlightened nutrition for every family.
  • Mindfully Made: We develop premium organic recipes perfectly matched with your child's age and stage. Explore our snacks & meals for growing babies, toddlers & kids, from baby food pouches to freeze-dried yogurt treats, organic Cereals & Toddler Snacks.
  • Happy Baby: For happy tummies and Happy Tots, try Happy Baby's full line of baby food pouches, organic Cereals, teething wafers & baby snacks and more

Baby's Only Organic Sensitive LactoRelief with DHA & ARA Toddler Formula, 12.7 Oz (Pack of 6) Non-GMO, USDA Organic, Clean Label Project Verified, Lactose Sensitivity

$129.99  in stock
2 new from $129.99
Free shipping
as of January 11, 2025 7:33 pm


  • Toddler Formula For Lactose Sensitivity: Baby's Only Organic Sensitive DHA/ARA Toddler Formula is an organic powder milk-based formula that has reduced lactose, making it an excellent choice for children with a sensitivity to lactose.
  • A Great Option For A Soy-Free Diet: Our organic formula serves as a great option for parents who wish to avoid soy protein in their toddler's diet.
  • Give Your Toddler A Better Start To Life: We know how important it is to give your toddler only high-quality, organic ingredients. Our toddler milk is free of corn syrup and palm oil, so you can feel confident you're providing your little one with a drink powder with clean ingredients.
  • Superior Nutrition For Your Little One: Our nutritional drink is intended for toddlers 1 year and older or as directed by a healthcare professional.
  • We're Committed To Purity: Your little one means the world to you, and that means the world to us. That’s why we hold every product we create to the highest purity and quality standards possible.

Happy Baby Organics Infant Formula, Milk Based Powder Sensitive Stage 1, 21 Ounce (Pack of 4) packaging may vary

 in stock
as of January 11, 2025 7:33 pm


  • For Sensitive Tummies: Thoughtfully created for babies from 0 to 12 months with sensitive bellies, our Stage 1 Sensitive formula provides a complete nutrient blend with lactose reduced by 75% to ease occasional fussiness & gas in lactose-sensitive babies
  • Digestive Support: Prebiotics are food for beneficial gut bacteria and help support your baby’s digestive health Our prebiotic mix (GOS & FOS) mimics the function of prebiotics found in breast milk Sensitive Stage 1 Formula is Non-GMO & Gluten-Free
  • Happy Baby: We provide organic, delicious options for your baby's nutritional journey; Happy Baby offers baby food pouches, organic cereals, teething wafers, baby snacks and more made for your little one
  • Happy Family Organics: We are on a mission to change the trajectory of children's health through nutrition; We provide age and stage appropriate premium organic food products for baby, tot, kid, and mama
  • Our Happy Promise: All products are certified USDA organic, made with non-GMO ingredients grown without the use of toxic persistent pesticides and in packaging made without BPA, BPS, or phthalates

Kabrita Goat Milk Toddler Formula, 28 Oz

$40.99  in stock
2 new from $40.99
Free shipping
as of January 11, 2025 7:33 pm


  • Your Toddler Will Love It: Made with premium Dutch goat milk, Kabrita is easy to digest and is specially created for your 12-24 month (1 to 2-year-old) toddler. Our naturally A2 milk formula will help keep your little one comfortable while supplementing, weaning, or when changing formulas due to tummy troubles.
  • Gentle on Sensitive Tummies: Kabrita is a great cow milk alternative for children who experience minor issues associated with cow milk consumption. Its mild, sweet taste makes it a popular choice, even among picky eaters. We also use an adapted whey-to-casein protein ratio for even better digestibility.
  • 24 Vitamins and Minerals: More than just plain goat milk, our A2 formula is fortified with important micronutrients recommended for use in baby formula. These include vitamin D, vitamin C, DHA, iron, and much more to support your growing child’s nutritional needs.
  • Easy to Prepare: Just follow our simple 1:1 ratio by adding 2 ounces of water for every 2 scoops of powder. Fill the bottle with water before adding any powder to ensure accurate measurement. Adding water to powder can over-concentrate any baby & toddler formula.
  • Dedicated Customer Service Team: Questions or issues with Kabrita? We're here to help. You can try Kabrita Goat Milk Toddler Formula confidently and add it to your toddler essentials.

Similac NeoSure Infant Formula with Iron, For Babies Born Prematurely 13.1 oz, 6 Count

$149.94  in stock
as of January 11, 2025 7:33 pm


  • PREMATURE INFANT FORMULA BRAND: And the brand fed in the NICU
  • EXCELLENT CATCH-UP GROWTH: Supports better gains in weight, length, and head circumference for premature babies when compared to term infant formula
  • SUPPORTS BRAIN and EYE DEVELOPMENT: Has our unique blend of DHA, lutein, and vitamin E to support brain and eye development
  • HELPS SUPPORT BONE GROWTH: Our formula has calcium and phosphorus for baby’s growing bones
  • NO ARTIFICIAL GROWTH HORMONES: The first leading infant formula brand with no artificial growth hormones

Alfamino Infant Amino Acid Based Infant Formula with Iron, Unflavored, 14.1 Ounces (Packaging May Vary)

$48.97  in stock
as of January 11, 2025 7:33 pm


  • Amino Acid Based Infant Formula: Alfamino is a hypoallergenic amino acid based infant formula designed for infants with cow's milk protein allergy, multiple food allergies or malabsorptive conditions
  • Product Note: Exposure to heat or sunlight may lead to melting/damage of product. Hence customers are expected to be available during the product delivery
  • Nutritionally Complete Formula: Alfamino provides essential nutrients that infants need for growth and development and has a unique fat blend containing medium chain triglycerides (MCT) to facilitate fat absorption
  • Hypoallergenic Pediatric Formula: Appropriate for conditions of severe malabsorption, Alfamino formulas offer unique compositions with tailored nutrient profiles and highly selective ingredients
  • Use Under Medical Supervision: Alfamino Infant Formula is easy to digest and is lactose free and gluten free; For infants 0 to 12 months

Cozey Daily Formula Dispenser Container with Scraper Pop Up Food Container Airtight 600g 1700ml - Updated Design, Rectangle

 in stock
as of January 11, 2025 7:33 pm


  • - Our milk formula dispenser adopt a one-button press to open and close design, which can be opened in one second, and it is convenient to take things and save time. Just one press, open the lid and take things. Updated design, with non-slip handle.
  • - Formula Container Size: 1 container = Rectangular - 1x1700ml (57 US oz/ 7.15 cups/ 1.79 US Quarts) 4.84”x6.89”x6.23” (123x175x160mm) DxWxH, which can contain about 730g formula. *It comes with a 5g formula spoon, spoon holder (which also can be a lid hanger) and a formula scraper.
  • - - Our formula container is made of durable food-grade silicone standards material, and are BPA-free plastic. Suit for formula and other food storage. Children and adults can use it with confidence.
  • & & - The airtight food storage container body fits tightly with the lid and does not leak water when placed upside down. You can rest assured to use it to hold any food with water. What's more, the bottom of the container is designed to be stackable.
  • - Not intended for microwave use - temperatures exceeding 176°F / 80°C can deform the silicone seal and affect the airtight capacity of the lid. Best to wash with warm water, do not put it in the dishwasher, for best airtight seal please ensure silicone seal and rim keep clean.

Gerber Good Start Plant Based Protein & Lactose Free Non-GMO Powder Infant Formula, Stage 1, 20 Ounce (Pack of 1)

 out of stock


  • LACTOSE FREE NUTRITION: Modeled after the complete nutrition & gentleness of breastmilk, this Plant Based Protein & Lactose Free formula is designed for babies who need non dairy milk solutions
  • LACTOSE FREE FORMULA: This lactose free formula provides plant based protein along with Calcium & Vitamin D for strong bones & teeth & DHA for brain & eye development
  • GIVE YOUR BABY A GOOD START: Your baby’s nutritional needs evolve over time; That's why we created the Gerber Good Start line; Made to comfort your baby's tummy & available in a range of products
  • WHOLESOME OPTIONS: Introduce your infant to complimentary staged products like single grain Cereals & 1st Foods fruit & veggie purees with Gerber infant formulas, probiotic supplements & more
  • NUTRITION FOR GROWING: Like your baby, we're always growing & learning. More than ever we're committed to being your partner in parenthood with quality ingredients, nutritious food & expert guidance.

Nestle Nan Pro Toddler Drink Powder, Original, 28.2 Ounce

 out of stock


  • Digestive Health: Designed with essential nutrients for toddlers 12-24 months featuring Probiotics to support digestive health and iron to help support brain development.
  • Nutrition That Grows With Your Toddler: Your baby's nutritional needs evolve over time. Nan is made to comfort your baby's tummy
  • Nutrition for Growing: Like your baby, we're always growing & learning. More than ever we're committed to being your partner in parenthood with quality ingredients, nutritious food & expert guidance. State of Readiness: Ready to Drink
  • Toddler Drink: Nan powder toddler drink is a nutritious toddler drink with Probiotics to support digestive health. It nourishes toddler tummies so they can focus on what makes them, and you, happy: their growing independence.
  • The health and safety of your little one has been and will always be Gerber’s highest priority. We're a leader in infant nutrition, not just because we grow food that will feed your little one, but also because we know what nourishment your little one needs

Gerber Good Start Baby Formula Powder, Extensive HA, Hypoallergenic, Stage 1, 14.1 Ounce

$36.14  in stock
5 new from $19.22
Free shipping
as of January 11, 2025 7:33 pm


  • CLINICALLY PROVEN TO BE HYPOALLERGENIC: Extensive HA is designed for babies with cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA);
  • HIGH QUALITY PROTEIN: Contains 100% whey protein broken down into tiny pieces designed to be well-tolerated by most babies with CMPA and ultra-filtered for low residual allergenicity
  • SUPPORT FOR TINY TUMMIES: Extensive HA is the only hypoallergenic formula made with probiotic B lactis; a probiotic similar to those found in breast milk to support digestive health
  • QUALITY FROM BRAIN TO BELLY: Complete nutrition for baby plus DHA; DHA is recommended by experts for brain and eye development
  • HELPS EASE FUSSINESS AND GAS: This lactose-free sensitive baby formula helps ease tummy troubles associated with lactose intolerance

Similac Advance Infant Formula with Iron - 32 fl oz

Viglink Rite Aid
Last update was on: January 11, 2025 7:33 pm

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