Decisions, decisions. When it comes to feeding your baby, you only want what is best, right? Therefore, if you are unable to breastfeed your little one, then what option do you have other than getting a formula, especially if your baby’s tummy is a sensitive one, here is Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive.

Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive
Which #brand is the #best? We are going to #compare related #products from both brands. As always, you can #purchase all these products for the #lowestprice ...
Well, you are in luck, because we are here today to help you with choosing the best sensitive formula that you can use as a peace offering with your baby.
Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive
So, What do you know about Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive?
The best two brands that produce sensitive formulas in the markets out there are Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive, which is why we are going to do a comparison of Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive and Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive different formulas and help you with choosing a specific one based on your baby’s condition. Just let me tell you that formulas are a vast world and it can take a long time to get the hang of things, so enter at your own risk.
Sensitive formulas
What do you know about Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive?
Sensitive or gentle formulas are a different version of your usual formula that is used when your baby is showing discomfort or fussiness due to gasses or spit-up or any other symptom related to their digestive system.
Sensitive formulas are usually lactose-free or with small amounts of lactose or with a ratio of whey to casein higher than what is used in typical infant formula to mimic the breast milk or even with a broken down protein to offer better digestion as it might release gas and ease spit-up in an attempt to decrease the symptoms of colic that your baby might be suffering.
So if you see that your baby is showing those signs and you realize that they are in need of a special diet, you may want to read this article to the end and maybe the answer to Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive will be what you need.

enfamil inspire vs similac pro advance
What is the best sensitive formula?
There are many sensitive formulas in the market, each with a different function than the other for different conditions.
The top two brands in the field are Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive, they are both known to be competitors which is why we are tackling the issue of Similac Sensitive vs Enfamil Sensitive, we will discuss the most asked for comparisons between the products.
Similac Pro Sensitive vs Enfamil NeuroPro Gentlease
Here is Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive:
One of the most asked for comparisons between Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive is the Similac Pro Sensitive vs Enfamil Gentlease as these two products claim to ease all the fussiness issues.
Both formulas are designed with a gentle formula for sensitive tummies, but Enfamil raised the bar with a 24-hour release promise.
Both formulas can be used from day one up to the age of 12 months, with the addition of being non-GMO and having DHA and vitamins added to the formula.
The Similac Pro Sensitive offers a lactose-free formula with a thicker consistency that might help with reflux while the Enfamil Gentlease uses a broken down lactose protein.
Both competitors here are trying to stimulate breast milk which is a bonus in each formula, the Similac Pro Sensitive uses the 2’-FL HMO while Enfamil Gentlease utilized the MFGM.
The two formulas are used generally to give a release from fussiness and discomfort due to gas and spit up, though the Similac Pro Sensitive is a little pricier than Enfamil Gentlease.
In addition to the fact that Similac Pro Sensitive has a sweeter taste that appeals to babies and takes a longer time to make an effect. Both formulas come in different sizes and have a ready-to-use formula and a powder one.
So the main difference when comparing Enfamil Gentlease vs Similac Pro Sensitive is the lactose presence, if that is not an issue for your baby then the choice is just a preference.
Similac Pro-Sensitive Infant Formula
Enfamil Gentlease Infant Formula
Similac Sensitive vs Enfamil ProSobee
So, what do you know about Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive?
Enfamil ProSobee vs Similac Sensitive seems a bit of unusual comparison -but they are included in most frequent asked comparisons of Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive- as one of them is a soy formula and the other is milk-based, but what they both have in common is that both of them are for sensitive stomachs, so we will discuss each separately.
Enfamil ProSobee is a soy-based formula with a protein mainly from plant sources which is why it is easy on sensitive stomachs.
It is suitable for lactose intolerance and helps with easing fussiness and gas that are caused by the sensitivity to milk-based formulas.
It is perfect for families who are seeking special dietary guidelines and have special needs for diets such as vegetarian or kosher or otherwise. And as for nutrition, you don’t need to worry, Enfamil added the same amount of nutrients such as DHA as any other one of their formulas.
Similac Sensitive though is a milk-based formula, but it has the same lactose-free feature hence the sensitive stomach reason.
This particular formula has an OptiGRO mark which means that it is similar to breast milk as it is a blend of vitamins and nutrients containing DHA, vitamin E, and lutein that assist in brain development, as well as having palm olein oil-free and prebiotics which help with building the digestive system and strengthening bones plus helping with calcium absorption.
That combo is what makes the formula helpful when it comes to sensitive tummies.
So, do you think it is a fair comparison in the midst of the Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive ones?
Also, you might want to check out Enfamil Gentlease vs Similac Sensitive.
Similac Sensitive Infant Formula
Enfamil ProSobee Sensitive Formula

enfamil in dubai
Enfamil NeuroPro vs Similac Sensitive formulas
So What is the difference between Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive?
Parents often ask to compare the Enfamil Newborn vs Similac Sensitive and the Enfamil NeuroPro vs Similac Pro Sensitive among asking about Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive, even though the Enfamil NeuroPro is not a sensitive formula but we are here to give you what you need so we will discuss the three formulas.
We will start with the Enfamil NeuroPro formula which is a basic formula for babies within their first year, what is great about this formula is the set of nutrients it possesses.
The MFGM components are included, just like all the Enfamil family products, as well as a unique defense dual prebiotics blend of PDX and GOS for immune support plus the famous Omega-3 DHA. The formula has easy-to-digest proteins but it still might not be suitable if your baby has a sensitive stomach.
When we compare it to the Similac Sensitive though, definitely the Similac Sensitive will win if you are in need of a special formula for your little one’s tummy.
As the Similac Sensitive has a lot of addition to make the digestion process easier like the lactose absence for instance.
The Enfamil NeuroPro lost the comparison with the Similac Sensitive, which means that it will lose the Enfamil NeuroPro vs Similac Pro Sensitive battle as the Similac Pro Sensitive is an advanced version of the Similac Sensitive,
it has all the features of its features plus the addition of 2′-FL HMO which is human milk oligosaccharide, a prebiotic that is found in human milk that strengthens the immune system.
Those comparisons though may seem favorable to the Similac brand, but that is only because the Enfamil NeuroPro is not a sensitive designed formula, so we might as well stick with sensitive formulas to fulfill the title of Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive and give the formulas a fair chance.
Enfamil NeuroPro Infant Formula
Enfamil Enspire vs Similac Pro Sensitive
Both the Enfamil Enspire and the Similac Pro Sensitive are made to be as close to human breast milk as they can be, which is why they are compatible to compare when discussing Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive formulas.
Enfamil Enspire uses the lactoferrin ingredient and MFGM compound to mimic breast milk which is great support for cognitive development and is associated with fewer digestive and respiratory issues.
On the other hand, the Similac Pro Sensitive contains 2′-FL HMO (Human Milk Oligosaccharide) which is an immune-nourishing prebiotic. The Similac Pro Sensitive here wins a point for not having palm olein oil which helps with better absorption.
On the contrary, palm olein oil is included in the Enfamil Enspire which is not the best option when dealing with a sensitive tummy.
Also, the Enfamil Enspire has added DHA and Choline that are brain-nourishing nutrients found in breast milk as well, which makes this formula really close to the Enfamil NeuroPro.
And to not miss a step the Similac Pro Sensitive has vitamin E and lutein with the source of protein here being milk protein isolate for easier digestion and providing the baby with vitamins and minerals.
Similac Pro Sensitive fails when it comes to industrial additions as the formula contains added sugars, so do you think that this is enough for you to make it lose the Enfamil Enspire vs Similac Pro Sensitive comparison?

enfamil gentlease vs similac total comfort nutritional panel
Enfamil Enspire Infant Formula
Enfamil NeuroPro Gentlease vs Similac Sensitive
This particular comparison is the most famous among the asked for comparisons of the Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive between parents.
When you compare Similac Sensitive vs Enfamil Gentlease, there will be some similarities found such as the fact that both of them are designed to ease gas and discomfort- although Enfamil Gentlease promises with 24-hour release as opposed to Similac Sensitive 3 days-, they provide the baby with all the nutrients needed at their first year and they both offer different sizes in both powder and ready to use liquid bottles.
Otherwise, the comparison of Enfamil formula Gentlease vs Similac Sensitive revealed the main differences between the two, like the fact that the Enfamil Gentlease is more affordable compared the pricier Similac sensitive, the Similac Sensitive is also lactose-free whereas Enfamil Gentlease uses broken down lactose proteins to improve the stomach sensitivity and it has a normal consistency contrary to the thicker one of the Similac Sensitive formula.
Discussing the Similac Sensitive vs Enfamil Gentlease ingredients, we found that the key nutrients in the Similac Sensitive are OptiGRO and it is mainly a blend of vitamins and nutrients containing DHA, vitamin E, and lutein, but with the Enfamil Gentlease, the main components are a mixture of MFGM, Omega-3 DHA as well as a blend of vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D, and selenium.
The final verdict between Similac Sensitive Non-GMO vs Enfamil Gentlease Non-GMO leans a bit towards the Enfamil Gentlease as both formulas are so similar that it is hard to differentiate between the two.
The only difference though is that Similac Sensitive is lactose-free, so you should opt for it if you want a lactose-free diet for your baby.
Similac Pro Sensitive vs Enfamil NeuroPro Sensitive
The last comparison we have in the Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive argument is the Similac Pro Sensitive vs Enfamil NeuroPro Sensitive, so let us give you the last look at those two products.
Enfamil NeuroPro is the only sensitive baby formula out there with the supporting benefits of NeuroPro which is a fat protein blend of MFGM and Omega-3 DHA that is only found in breast milk. But then again, the Similac Pro Sensitive has DHA, lutein, vitamin E and 2’-FL HMO, a prebiotic found in breast milk as well and isn’t found in another formula.
Both formulas offer easy-to-digest proteins specifically designed for sensitive tummies and lactose sensitivity, they are both Non-GMO and suitable for babies within their first year. They are both specifically designed to ease common tummy troubles like fussiness, gas, or mild spit-up.
Both brands offer different sizes in a powder for only, and the change in price is nothing to mention, just a few cents.
And as is the case with all the Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive formulas, the Similac Pro Sensitive is palm olein oil free, while it is added in the Enfamil Sensitive formula. Parents’ reviews on the two formulas are mainly the same with no advantage to one product or a disadvantage to the other.
Enfamil NeuroPro Sensitive Baby Formula
So, Did you know about Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive?
Tips on how to choose a sensitive formula
To choose the most suitable formula for your baby you need to know the condition they have, and the formula type that offers the solution to that condition. So we are going to mention the types of sensitive formulas and what each of them does.
- Partially hydrolyzed protein: these formulas have a protein that is partially broken down to pieces that are somewhat small and that offers an easier digestion process for babies with gas, colic, and reflux.
- Extensively hydrolyzed proteins: these formulas have pre-digested proteins that are completely broken into small pieces, also helps with gas and colic as well as with babies that have cow milk’s protein allergy.
- Low lactose or free lactose: those are formulas that offer less lactose or an absence of it for infants suffering from lactose or milk intolerance and even those it is a rare case for babies it can be the reason for the discomfort.
- Probiotics: there are formulas that are probiotics and nutrients supported which helps with improving your baby’s health and speeding the process of building their digestive systems to help with the stomach’s sensitivity.
- Similar to breast milk: their formulas have added additions like DHA, ARA, MFGM, and added protein blend to give the baby a more similar benefit to what they would have if they are being breastfed and that offers a healthier meal that is less to cause symptoms to begin with.
You might also want to consider a formula that doesn’t contain any industrial component like flavors, sugar, or color. And in any case, a pediatric recommendation and advice are what you should seek, and if they give you a choice of the Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive you can tell us.
That was Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive.
So, Did you know about Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive?
There’re so many formulas out there over the shelves you can choose from for your baby, but if your baby has a sensitive stomach, it’s not that easy a decision, as you have to be very careful when it comes to the formula’s ingredients.
Both the Enfamil and Similac brands are great so there no actual answer to Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive as there is no brand that is best for all the babies, although there might be a formula that is better than another in certain cases, but that is all in theory, what might sound great on paper might not as magical when your baby tries it.
While both products can give you all the needed vitamins and minerals, the result of the Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive comparison might lie in the fact that Enfamil focuses more on cognitive development while Similac tries to support the immune system more.
So, if your baby is healthy and you want to aid their growth, you can go for Enfamil but if you want to boost their immunity, you should choose Similac.
Enfamil Sensitive vs Similac Sensitive

Just don’t forget that what works for one baby might not suit another as every baby is different, and a doctor’s recommendation goes a long way amidst the struggle of choosing the best formula.
Enfamil ProSobee Soy-Based Infant Formula for Sensitive Tummies, Dairy-Free, Lactose-Free, Milk-Free, and DHA for Brain Support, Plant-Sourced Protein Powder Can, 20.9 Oz
- Soy-based alternative to milk-based formula—milk-free, suitable for infants with lactose intolerance and dairy-free—great for families with special dietary concerns like lactose sensitivity or families who follow vegetarian or Kosher diets
- Soy for sensitive tummy; helps reduce fussiness and gas due to sensitivity to milk-based formulas
- Enfamil ProSobee has the same DHA as Enfamil routine formula, shown to foster a child’s learning ability up to age 5
- Conveneint Ready to Use Bottles
Enfamil NeuroPro Baby Formula, Brain and Immune Support with DHA, Iron and Prebiotics, Infant Formula Inspired by Breast Milk, Non-GMO, Refill box, 31.4 Oz (Pack of 4)
- 5-YEAR BENEFIT: MFGM components clinically shown to support cognitive, motor & communication development now through age 5.
- NURTURING BRAIN DEVELOPMENT: Our formula has expert-recommended DHA, known to support your baby's growing brain, supporting their milestones with confidence.
- HuMO6 IMMUNE BLEND§: Enfamil NeuroPro features our exclusive HuMO6 immune blend, to support your baby's immune system, because your baby's well-being is our top priority.
- NUTRITION DESIGNED FOR YOUR INFANT: Designed with care for babies up to 12 months, Enfamil formula includes easy-to-digest proteins, vitamins & minerals.
- TRUSTED BY PARENTS & PEDIATRICIANS*: Enfamil is the #1 Trusted Infant Formula Brand By Pediatricians* & Parents and the #1 Trusted Brand for Brain-Building & Immune Support.
President's Choice Gentle+ Iron Fortified Milk-Based Infant Formula with Iron 629.0 g
Enfamil Enfamil A+ EnfaCare Baby Formula Powder 363.0 g
- Pediatricians Explain Different Types Of Infant Formula
- Enfamil® ProSobee® Soy-Based Baby Formula
- Enfamil® NeuroPro™ Infant Formula
- Enspire™ Infant Formula
- Enfamil Gentlease vs Similac Sensitive: Which is Best?
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[…] formulas- also known as gentle formulas– are a bit different from your usual formula. They are used when the digestive system acts up […]