Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula? As a baby’s digestive systems mature, it’s pretty usual for them to spit up. There’s usually no reason to worry if your infant spits up after switching formulas. Spit-up is something that all newborns do, especially after gulping down air with formula. You’d best have a towel on hand if the baby’s stomach is full or if your baby’s posture changes abruptly after a feeding. The stomach contents can press the sphincter, allowing food to rush back up the esophagus. There are various strategies to prevent spit-up and comfort your baby, and some babies spit up more than others. This article will show the connection between your baby spitting up and switching formula, so, Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

Spit-up, also known as infant reflux, occurs when food backs up in a baby’s stomach.

There’s no reason to be concerned if your infant is a “happy spitter” who isn’t disturbed by reflux.

After a meal, a baby’s stomach contents return into the esophagus, causing spitting up.

When the lower esophageal sphincter opens in newborns, stomach contents frequently back up into the esophagus and out via the mouth, resulting in spit-up. It can also happen if a baby coughs, cries, or strains themself.

That was the answer of “Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?”.

Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula

Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula

What Causes Spitting up?

Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

Healthy newborns are prone to spitting up. About half of all newborns develop gastroesophageal reflux, also known as baby reflux or infant acid reflux, during their first three months.

The lower esophageal sphincter, a muscle that connects the esophagus and the stomach, maintains stomach contents where they belong.

Spitting up may be a problem until this muscle matures, especially if your kid is overweight.

So, Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

Common Reasons Why My Baby Is Spitting Up

Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

It’s critical to discover why your infant is spitting up if you see it.

Several factors might cause your infant to spit up. You’ll want to double-check that it’s the formula causing them gastrointestinal problems.

The following are some of the most prevalent reasons why newborns spit up:

So, Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

Overfeeding Your Baby

Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

It’s all too simple to overfeed your child. Most babies will indicate satisfaction by refusing to feed or screaming. On the other hand, some newborns do not send the same signals. Because the infant is still sipping the bottle, this might indicate that they are still hungry.

Furthermore, some babies may take a bottle even when they are not hungry. Sucking on anything calms babies. This means that if a baby is weary, hungry, or otherwise, they will eat. They are being overfed if they aren’t hungry and yet continue to eat.

When a baby is administered a bottle of formula, it might not be easy to discern if they are satisfied. This is the case because you don’t know how much breastmilk they ingested before starting the bottle.

To avoid this, limit breastmilk or bottle feedings to once a day.

You can also pump breastmilk to determine how much to give your baby easier.

By this article, we have clarified the answer of “Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?”.

Symptoms of Overfeeding Your Baby

Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula? What do you think?

A few methods identify whether you were unintentionally overfeeding your child. Crying when a baby is eating is one of the most prevalent signs of an overfed infant. It’s because their stomachs are getting too full and hurting. Other indicators to keep an eye out for are:

  • Gas
  • Vomiting after eating
  • Fussy and crying after eating
  • Gagging or choking
  • Burping more than usual
  • Frequent spit-up

Take a close look at how much you’re feeding your infant if they exhibit these symptoms. Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

How Much Should You Feed Your Baby?

For every pound they weigh, newborns will consume 2.5 ounces of formula every day. This indicates that a ten-pound infant will drink twenty-five ounces each day. Please keep in mind that this is only a guess. Some babies will consume somewhat more or less food than others.


Bouncing a baby too much after eating can cause them to vomit. Even older babies are prone to this. At the age of three, most babies act like this. Keep an eye on your baby after they have finished eating. See if this is the source of the spit-up.

Avoid tummy time or activities that cause a lot of movement for the next half hour after your baby has finished eating. Do not throw the baby up in the air or bounce them on your knee. Instead, spend some quiet time with them, cuddling or reading a story.


It might trigger gas if your infant does not burp when being fed. Some newborns are born with an inherent tendency to be gassy. Unfortunately, the excess air in your child’s stomach might cause spitting. You can try out formulas for gas and spit-up.

Signs of Gas in a Baby

When a baby has gas, they usually exhibit a set of symptoms. This is because gas causes discomfort in their stomach. When your child is weeping, you may observe them dragging their legs up to their chest. Gas can also cause the following symptoms:

  • Your baby’s face turns crimson as though they’re in discomfort.
  • Your child appears to be depressed.
  • Eating disorders
  • Sleeping problems
  • After passing gas, your baby relaxes down.

If your infant has gas, addressing it might help you see less spit-up.

That was the answer of “Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?”.

Do a Formula Check

Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula? and how?

While it may appear that your child is just spitting up the formula, this is not always the case. There’s a chance your baby’s gastrointestinal problems are caused by something else.

Document when your kid spits up and when they take formula or breastmilk to see whether this is the case. You may discover that your child only spits up during the day, which happens while you’re at work.

This might be due to the person feeding them overfeeding them, the fact that they don’t get burped, or a combination of factors.

What Should I Do If My Baby Is Only Spitting Up Formula?

If you’ve gone through the above and are confident that your child is just spitting up the formula and has no other issues, such as overfeeding, it’s most likely the formula. You might wish to experiment with a new formula.

All formulas are not created equal. Certain brands may cause your baby’s stomach to upset. You may give Enfamil a try because it might be the only formula your baby will accept.

Similac is fantastic infant formula, and you should give it a try with your child. If your child isn’t a fan of the formula, try a different one. You may also choose a formula that is easy on their tummy.

How long does it take for formula to leave baby system

How long does it take for formula to leave baby system

Can Spitting up Affect My Baby’s Growth?

Normal spitting up has no negative impact on the health of a newborn. There’s no need to be concerned if your kid appears happy, eats correctly, and grows weight. The calories lost by spitting up do not hurt your infant if they flourish in weight.

Keep in mind that the size of a spit-up stain might easily lead you to overestimate how much your kid has spat up.

So, Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

Is Baby Spit-up Normal?

Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

In healthy newborns, spitting up is relatively common. More than half of newborns spit up in the first three months. Spit-up is most common in children under one year and occurs in the first few weeks of life.

The following are examples of common experiences:

  • 1 or 2 mouthfuls of milk or formula spitting up with ease.
  • Spit-ups are most common during or immediately after meals.
  • Burping causes smaller spit-ups.
  • Overfeeding causes larger spit-ups.
  • Normal spit-up does not result in tears.

Though spitting up does not always signify a serious medical condition, you should consult your baby’s doctor if you are concerned about your baby’s spitting up.

Is Spitting Up a Symptom of Anything More Serious??

Specific signs and symptoms might suggest an underlying problem or something more severe than normal spitting up. If your baby exhibits any of the following symptoms below, contact your baby’s doctor if:

  • He isn’t putting on any weight.
  • Spits with a lot of power.
  • Green or yellow fluid is spat out.
  • Spits blood or a substance that resembles coffee grounds.
  • Feedings are regularly refused.
  • There is blood in their feces.
  • Has trouble breathing or other symptoms of sickness
  • At six months or older, they begin to spit up.
  • More than three hours of crying every day, and irritated than usual.
  • Your baby has a lower number of wet diapers than usual.

That was the answer of Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

The source of the problem determines treatment. Specialized feeding approaches may be beneficial. In other circumstances, the doctor may prescribe acid reflux medicine.

What are some ways to reduce baby spit-up?

Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula? What do you think?

Consult your child’s doctor if you observe your child spitting up a lot. They might benefit from switching to a spit-up-reduction formula.

You can also try the measures below to decrease spit-up:

  • When feeding your infant, elevate their head above the rest of the body.
  • Burp your baby after every 1-2 fluid ounces of formula, but don’t interrupt their feeding—wait for them to take a rest. Burp after each feeding on either side for breastfed babies.
  • Check your bottle flow (a bottle held upside down allows for one fast drop at a time, not a constant stream) and burp your baby frequently.
  • It would be best to avoid tight diapers since they increase stomach pressure.
  • After a feeding, don’t engage in intense play with your child.
  • Reduce the amount of time your infant spends sucking on a pacifier—constant sucking might cause ingested air to rise into your baby’s stomach.
  • If your infant is agitated, anxious, or hurrying through a feeding, try to calm them down.
  • After a feeding, stand your infant for 30 minutes.
  • To lessen the possibilities of spit-up, give smaller but more frequent feedings.

Most of the time, spit-up is unavoidable, and you shouldn’t be concerned. On the other hand, Spit-up can occasionally be a sign of food intolerance. Even if they’re getting it through breast milk, some newborns spit up because of a protein in cow’s milk. If your doctor suspects your infant is lactose intolerant, they may advise you to change your diet and exclude dairy products for a period.

If your child starts arching their back while spitting up, becomes irritated and upset, or has difficulties eating, consult your doctor to determine whether your child has more severe reflux concerns.

According to the Mayo Clinic, spit-up can be a symptom of an allergy, a blockage anywhere in your baby’s digestive tract, or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).

GERD is a severe condition that health specialists can treat, so keep a lookout for the following symptoms:

  • Vomiting in the air (forceful spit up).
  • In spit-up, there may be blood or a green or yellow liquid.
  • You won’t acquire weight if you don’t eat.

Spit-up is only one of the numerous feeding problems your kid may face throughout their first year. If you believe your baby has a feeding problem, here are some suggestions to help them.

So, Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

How do I know what formula is right for my baby

How do I know what formula is right for my baby

Spitting up and Switching Formulas

Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

It shouldn’t affect your baby’s health to change their formula regularly as long as you use iron-fortified formula. As they acclimatize to a new formula, some newborns have slight diarrhea or constipation and eating difficulties.

The Happy Spitter

Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

You may not need to modify your infant’s formula if they are only spitting up and have gastroesophageal reflux, but they are gaining weight well and have no other symptoms. According to experts, half of all babies spit up at least once a day. And the disturbing aspect is that when they do, the amount of formula appears to be much higher than it is.

Infants typically acquire 1 1/2 to 2 pounds every month at this age. If your kid is gaining weight, it’s a positive indication that his spitting up isn’t bothering him. “Happy spitters” are infants that spit up without showing any other signs or symptoms. It’s generally advised that you just wait till they cease spitting up as they become older.

Problem Reflux Symptoms

Signs that reflux is causing a problem include an infant’s inability to acquire or perhaps lose weight, as well as the following:

  • Easily impatient or cranky.
  • Chokes, wheezes, or has trouble breathing regularly.
  • When it comes to food, he is frequently obstinate (dysphagia).
  • During or immediately after a meal, they arch their back.
  • Coughs regularly.
  • Cries or has a raspy voice.

If a kid is spitting up and has any of the symptoms described above, they may have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which requires additional testing and treatment.

That was the answer of “Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?”.

Changing Formula for Reflux

Changing formula isn’t usually beneficial unless your baby has additional indications of a formula intolerance, such as a lot of gas, diarrhea, bloody feces, vomiting or spitting up, and being unhappy.

Suppose you’re going to try a new formula. In that case, a hypoallergenic formula like Alimentum or Nutramigen could be the best option since some studies have indicated that switching to this formula improved the health of infants who had just vomited.

If your kid does not have a milk protein allergy or lactose intolerance, Enfamil or Similac for Spit-Up are unique formulas that can be useful for infants who do have reflux.

Do you get the answer of Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

What’s the Difference Between Vomiting and Spitting Up?

There is a significant distinction to be made. The spitting up of stomach contents through the mouth is called vomiting. The simple discharge of stomach contents out of the mouth, sometimes accompanied by a burp, is known as spitting up. Spitting up does not need muscular solid contractions; it only produces tiny amounts of undigested formula and does not cause your infant pain or discomfort.

What causes vomiting?

Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

When the abdominal muscles and diaphragm flex strongly while the stomach is relaxed, the “vomiting center” in the brain triggers this reflex activity once it has been aroused by:

  • When the gastrointestinal system is inflamed or swollen due to an infection or obstruction, nerves from the stomach and intestine are irritated or swollen (as in the stomach bug).
  • Drugs and other chemicals in the blood.
  • Disturbing sights or scents provide psychological triggers.
  • Stimuli in the middle ear (motion sickness).

Call your physician right once if your infant vomits strongly after each meal or any blood in their vomit.

That was the answer of Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?


Spit-up occurs in babies for some reason. There’s a good chance your infant doesn’t have anything wrong with them. That doesn’t mean you want them to spit up, though. Identifying the cause will assist you in helping your child. To figure out why your child is spitting up and what you can do about it, go down the list and rule out one thing after another.

The most excellent strategy to prevent spit-up is to feed your infant before becoming too hungry. When your baby takes a break during a feeding, gently burp them. Limiting active play after each meal and keeping your baby upright for at least 20 minutes. During this time, keep a close eye on your infant. Finally, We clarified the answer of Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula?

Enfamil Gentlease Baby Formula, Reduces Fussiness, Crying, Gas and Spit-up in 24 hours, DHA & Choline to support Brain development, Value Powder Can, 27.7 Oz (Pack of 4)

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  • ALL IN ONE COMFORT: Enfamil Gentlease is scientifically formulated to help ease fussiness, crying, gas and spit-up in 24 hours.Clinically shown to reduce fussiness, gas, and crying in 24 hoursHas an easy-to-digest protein blend for sensitive tummies
  • EXPERT RECOMMENDED DHA: Enfamil Gentlease has expert recommended brain building DHA
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Baby's Only Organic Sensitive LactoRelief with DHA & ARA Toddler Formula, 12.7 Oz (Pack of 6) Non-GMO, USDA Organic, Clean Label Project Verified, Lactose Sensitivity | Baby Formula Powder

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  • Toddler Formula For Lactose Sensitivity: Baby's Only Organic Sensitive DHA/ARA Toddler Formula is an organic powder milk-based formula that has reduced lactose, making it an excellent choice for children with a sensitivity to lactose.
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Earth's Best Organic Dairy Infant Powder Formula with Iron, Omega-3 DHA and Omega-6 ARA, 32 Ounce

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  • EASY TO PREPARE: Simple-to-follow directions on the back of the formula container help you prepare your little one’s baby bottle with the right water-to-formula powder ratio for their feeding needs
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Earth's Best Organic Gentle Infant Powder Formula with Iron, Easy To Digest Proteins, 21 oz

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as of January 26, 2025 7:24 am


  • INFANT NUTRITION: This gentle formula is designed to ease babies who experience fussiness, gas, and crying while encouraging immunity and brain and eye development
  • EASY TO PREPARE: Simple-to-follow directions on the back of the formula container help you prepare your little one’s baby bottle with the right water-to-formula powder ratio for their feeding needs
  • FIRST 12 MONTHS: Support development and nourish your baby from their first day to their first birthday
  • EARTH'S BEST: Explore our full line of baby nutrition to find more sensitive baby formulas, gentle formulas, plant-based formulas, and toddler formulas
  • 21 OZ FORMULA CONTAINER: Includes one 21 oz container of Earth's Best Organic Gentle Infant Formula

Enfamil NeuroPro Baby Formula, Triple Prebiotic Immune Blend with 2'FL HMO & Expert Recommended Omega-3 DHA, Inspired by Breast Milk, Non-GMO, Refill Box, 31.4 Oz, Pack of 4 (Packaging May Vary)

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Gerber Good Start, Baby Formula Powder, SoothePro, Stage 1, 30.6 Ounce

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New and Improved Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced Formula Dispenser Machine - Automatically Mix a Warm Formula Bottle Instantly - Easily Make Bottle with Automatic Powder Blending

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  • Most advanced way to automatically make a warm, formula bottle instantly. More accurate, consistent, hygienic & faster than hand scooping.
  • Patented mixing technology automatically mixes formula & water to the perfect consistency. Works with virtually all formula brands & all bottle brands/sizes. For accurate dispensing, clean the mixing funnel after every 4th bottle or buy a spare funnel
  • Fully customizable – choose 1 ounce increments between 2-10 ounces, 3 temperature settings and formula/water or water only dispensing
  • Air-tight formula storage
  • 1-year limited warranty (not valid on purchases shipped outside US); BPA-FREE; UL Listed; Works with 120 volt outlets; Current: 2.5A

Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Fiesta Baby Feeding Bottles, Anti-Colic, Slow Flow, BPA-Free - 9 Ounces, Multi-colored, 6 Pack (522597)

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  • Natural latch: Our bottle nipples are shaped to encourage a natural latch, reducing air intake and preventing nipple confusion when switching between breast, bottle and back again
  • Anti-colic: Tommee Tippee Natural Start nipples feature an innovative anti-colic valve which reduces air ingestion, helping to reduce the symptoms of colic
  • Pace feeding: The soft silicone nipple flexes and stretches like a breast and allows your baby to feed comfortably at their own pace
  • 100% leakproof: When the screw ring, nipple and cap are all secured, your baby bottle is completely mess-free and leakproof, even if it’s turned upside down or shaken

Enfamil Nutramigen Infant Formula, Hypoallergenic and Lactose Free Formula, Fast Relief from Severe Crying and Colic, DHA for Brain Support, Ready to Use Bottle, 32 Fl Oz, Pack of 6

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as of January 26, 2025 7:24 am


  • HELPS EASE YOUR LITTLE ONE’S COLIC: Delivers clinically proven relief when managing colic due to cow’s milk allergy for a happier, better-rested baby & mom​
  • GENTLE, FAST RELIEF: As early as the first feeding, many babies experience improvement within just 48 hours – a comforting solution for your little one​
  • NOURISHING BRAIN DEVELOPMENT: Nutramigen, a gentle, lactose-free formula, has omega-3 DHA, ARA, and choline to support your baby's growing brain​
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Pillani Baby Diaper Bag Backpack - Baby Bag for Boys & Girls, Baby Diaper Backpack with Changing Station - Baby Shower Gifts

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Baby Brezza One Step Bottle Sterilizer – Electric Steam Sterilization – Universal Fit and Highest Capacity - Fits up to 8 Baby Bottles & 2 Sets of Pump Parts (Any Brand)

$117.09  in stock
6 new from $117.09
as of January 26, 2025 7:24 am


  • Most advanced way to sterilize all brands of bottles, pump parts and accessories
  • Automatically sterilizes with natural steam
  • Highest capacity - holds up to 8 bottles and 2 full pump part sets - and modular so you can use it 4 different ways
  • Products remain sterilized for up to 24 hours when left in the unopened sterilizer so no need to use a drying rack

Baby Brezza Finger Shields – Disposable Diaper Rash Cream Applicator – Ointment Applicator Keeps Fingers and Nails Clean – Perfect for Travel, 160 Count Value Pack

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Baby Brezza Formula Pro FRP0046 (Advanced) bundled with Instructions manual

$316.15  in stock
as of January 26, 2025 7:24 am


Part Number FRP0046
Model FRP0046
Size 1 Count (Pack of 1)

Baby Brezza Baby brezza formula pro frp0046, 1.7 Ounce

$216.70  in stock
7 new from $216.70
as of January 26, 2025 7:24 am


  • Baby Formula works with most major
  • Built in instant heat system this machine
  • Item Package Dimension: 24.13cm L x 36.322cm W x 42.799cm H
  • Item Package Weight: 3.946kg

Baby Brezza Electric Baby Bottle Warmer, Breastmilk Warmer + Baby Food Warmer and Defroster - Universal Warmer Fits All Feeding Bottles: Glass, Plastic, Small, Large + Newborn – Digital Display

$59.87  in stock
6 new from $56.97
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as of January 26, 2025 7:24 am


  • Only bottle warmer with 2 heat settings to safely, evenly & quickly warm breastmilk, formula and baby food in minutes
  • Steady Warm mode safely warms or defrosts breastmilk with a warm water bath to preserve its nutrients (unlike traditional warmers that use steam heat which destroys breastmilk proteins)
  • Quick Warm mode rapidly & safely warms formula or baby food with steam heat
  • Fits virtually all bottle brands/types, storage bags (frozen or thawed) and plastic/glass food jars
  • No more babysitting your bottle: Pick your settings and the warmer selects the proper time to warm your bottle. The warmer beeps when finished, then auto shuts-off. 1-year limited warranty. BPA-FREE

Baby Brezza Electric One Step Formula Mixer Pitcher - Motorized Mixing System for Infant Formula Powder - Large Capacity, Mix 28oz of Formula at Once - Portable for Travel

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17 new from $29.00
as of January 26, 2025 7:24 am


  • First motorized formula blending pitcher that works automatically in one easy step. Hands-free mixing saves you time vs. manually operated formula mixing pitchers
  • Unique mixing wand mixes formula quickly without air bubbles or clumping. No-drip spout pours easily without splashing into all bottle shapes and sizes
  • Prepares and stores up to 28 oz of formula at a time. Free of SANS, PVC, lead, BPS, phthalate, and cadmium
  • Compact and easy to use with ergonomic handle and spill-free locking lid
  • Easy to clean with only 3 parts; Pitcher is Dishwasher-safe. BPA Free

Baby Brezza Baby Bottle Sterilizer Machine – Electric Steam Sterilization – Pacifiers, Breast Pump Parts + Universal Sterilizing for All Bottles: Plastic, Glass, Large, Small + Milk Bottles

$79.99  in stock
as of January 26, 2025 7:24 am


  • LARGEST CAPACITY ELECTRIC STERILIZER: Holds up to 8 bottles, 2 full pump part sets, pacifiers, teethers, sippy cups, toys & other accessories & sterilizes in 1 easy step, saving you time
  • NATURAL STEAM STERILIZING: Uses natural steam to effectively sterilize without chemicals, and keeps products sterilized inside for 24 hours
  • 4 IN 1 MODULAR DESIGN: Use 4 different ways based on your needs and counterspace; With large lower bin, unique accessory tray, and short upper bin
  • EASY PUSH BUTTON CONTROL: Just push 1 button to turn on; Auto-shut off
  • STAINLESS STEEL HEATING PLATE: Protects against ruse and hard water build-up; 1 year warranty; BPA-FREE

Baby Brezza One Step Baby Formula Mixer Pitcher – Electric, Motorized System Mixing Infant Formula Powder for Baby Bottles - Large Capacity, Mix 28oz of Formula at Once - Portable for Travel

$21.99  in stock
4 new from $21.99
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as of January 26, 2025 7:24 am


  • AUTOMATICALLY MIXES WITHOUT AIR BUBBLES, CLUMPING OR EFFORT: First motorized formula pitcher that mixes formula at the push of a button without air bubbles, clumping or effort unlike manual mixing pitchers that require a lot of effort
  • HANDS-FREE MIXING UP TO 28 OZ: Just press a button and it mixes a day’s worth for formula up to 28 ounces at a time
  • EASY TO USE & CLEAN: Reduces mess and spills with No-Drip Spout, Ergonomic Handle, and Lid that locks in place. Contains 3 easy-to-assemble parts including dishwasher-safe mixing wand and pitcher. NOTE: Lid contains electronics so hand-wash only
  • LONG BATTERY LIFE: Runs on 3 AA batteries (not included) that provide two full years of mixing (730 mixing sessions lasting 2 minutes each) – no recharging required ever!
  • SAFE FOR BABY & OTHER BENEFITS: BPA/PVC/Lead/Phthalate/Cadmium-FREE; Compact size is perfect for travel; 1 year limited warranty

Baby Brezza Bottle Sterilizer & Dryer Advanced, White

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  • Most advanced way to sterilize and dry virtually all brands of bottles, pump parts and accessories
  • Automatically sterilizes with natural steam, then dries 33% faster (vs sterilizer dryer original) in 1 easy step Includes HEPA filter so it dries with 99% clean air
  • Highest capacity Holds up to 8 bottles and 2 full pump part sets
  • Versatile and modular: select from 4 functions (sterilizer dryer, sterilizer only, dryer only or storage system) and mix and match trays and bins to use 4 different ways
  • Products stay sterile for up to 24 hours when left in the unopened sterilizer; 1 year limited warranty

Baby Brezza Smart Soothing Mat - Vibrating Baby Mat/Soother Pad Aides in Calming Fussy Baby for Easier Sleep, Infant: 0-12 Months

$98.99  in stock
9 new from $97.99
3 used from $94.72
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as of January 26, 2025 7:24 am


  • Smart vibrating mat helps your baby sleep better & safer since your baby lies flat on her back (not on an incline like swings or rockers).
  • Mat activates your baby’s natural calming and sleep reflexes by mimicking the sounds & motions of the womb; Customize to your baby’s liking with 4 vibration levels & 4 heartbeat modes. NOTE: A small % of babies don’t enjoy the mat’s motion or sound.
  • Lightweight and portable -- Rolls up for on-the-go; Perfect size for cribs/bassinets/activity mats. Includes water-resistant interior lining and soft, removable & washable polyester/spandex cover
  • Smart mat has 5 timer settings (15, 30, 45, 60 min, continuous), connects to your phone with Bluetooth, uses 4 AA batteries (not included) that should last up to 50 hours depending on use. App includes battery life indicator
  • Award-winning. Featured on Shark Tank & Semi-Finalist in National Sleep Foundation's 2019 Sleep Tech awards. Pediatrician Recommended. Ideal for 0-12 months. 1-year limited warranty. Dimensions: 11" X 23" X 3/4" (Flat) + 11" X 5" X 5" (Rolled); 1 lb

Baby Brezza One Step Glass Baby Food Maker – Cooker and Blender to Steam and Puree Baby Food for Pouches in Glass Bowl - Make Organic Food for Infants and Toddlers – 4 Cup Capacity

$199.99  in stock
7 new from $179.90
7 used from $149.50
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as of January 26, 2025 7:24 am


  • AUTOMATICALLY STEAMS & BLENDS HOMEMADE BABY FOOD IN 4 CUP GLASS BOWL; Only glass food maker that steam, then blends baby food in one step! No transfer or multiple steps after cooking required like other food makers
  • MAKES 4 CUPS OF DELICIOUS BABY FOOD; Make healthy purees, mashes & more for every stage of your baby’s development; Choose from 3 settings (Automatic Steam & Blend; Steam only; Blend only)
  • EASY TO USE & CLEAN: Steam tank is fully accessible for easy cleaning; Bowl and blade are dishwasher-safe; LCD control panel is easy to use and water tank is removable for easy filling
  • PRECISION BLENDING: 4 Stainless steel blades blend baby food with precision; For optimal steam and blending, we recommend cutting food into ¼” pieces; Blades come with plastic housing
  • 1 year limited warranty (not valid on purchases shipped outside US); BPA-FREE; 110 volts

Baby Brezza One Step Baby Food Maker Deluxe – Cooker and Blender in One to Steam and Puree Baby Food for Pouches - Make Organic Food for Infants and Toddlers - Set Includes 3 Pouches and 3 Funnels

$129.99  in stock
2 new from $113.90
7 used from $85.48
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as of January 26, 2025 7:24 am


  • AUTOMATICALLY STEAMS & BLENDS HOMEMADE BABY FOOD IN 1 EASY STEP. Just press a button and the Food Maker Deluxe does the rest in as little as 10 minutes! No transfer after cooking required.
  • MAKES 3.5 CUPS OF DELICIOUS BABY FOOD. Make healthy purees, mashes & more for every stage of your baby’s development. Choose from 3 settings (Automatic Steam & Blend; Steam only; Blend only)
  • PRECISION BLENDING & EASY TO USE & CLEAN. 4 Stainless Steel blades blend with precision. Steam tank is fully accessible for easy cleaning. Bowl & blade are dishwasher-safe. LCD control panel is easy to use. Water tank is removable for easy filling
  • 12 PIECE ALL-IN-ONE SYSTEM TO MAKE, STORE & SERVE BABY FOOD. Comes with 3 reusable food pouches and filling funnels for serving and storing baby food; 1 year limited warranty (not valid on purchases shipped outside US); BPA-FREE​
  • SUPPORTED BY SUPERIOR BABY BREZZA CUSTOMER CARE: our Customer Care team is available 7 days a week by phone, chat, email, or DM. Plus, all Baby Brezza machines come with a 1 year limited warranty (not valid if shipped outside the US)

New and Improved Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced Formula Dispenser Machine - Automatically Mix a Warm Formula Bottle Instantly - Easily Make Bottle with Automatic Powder Blending, Rose Gold

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  • Most advanced way to automatically make a warm, formula bottle instantly
  • New, more advanced version of the best-selling Formula Pro
  • Fully customizable - choose among 1 ounce increments from 2-10
  • Works with virtually all formula brands and all bottle sizes

Baby Brezza Baby Bottle Sterilizer and Dryer Machine – Electric Steam Sterilization - Universal Fit - Pacifiers, Glass, Plastic, and Newborn Feeding Bottles

 in stock
8 new from $94.99
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as of January 26, 2025 7:24 am


  • AUTOMATICALLY STERILIZES & DRIES IN ONE EASY STEP! Fits up to 6 narrow or wide neck bottles, pump parts, pacifiers, teethers, sippy cups & other accessories from any brand.
  • KILLS 99.9% OF HARMFUL BACTERIA, THEN DRIES AT THE PUSH OF A BUTTON. Uses natural steam (not chemicals) to eliminate germs, bacteria, mold and the yeast that causes thrush. Then dries with hot air. Doesn’t require expensive replacement filters
  • PRODUCTS REMAIN STERILE INSIDE FOR 24 HOURS after sterilizing and drying
  • CHOOSE FROM 7 OPTIONS: Choose from 3 Dryer Settings (30/45/60 minutes) and 4 Functions (Sterilizer & Dryer, Sterilizer only, Dryer only or Storage Rack)
  • EASY TO USE & CLEAN. Easily choose settings using LCD Control Panel. Stainless steel heating plate protects against rust. Auto Shut-Off. Modern design looks great on your counter. BPA-FREE. 1 Year Limited Warranty. 120v-60hz; Power: 600 W.

Baby Brezza Safe & Smart Electric Baby Bottle Warmer, Breastmilk Warmer + Baby Food Warmer + Defroster - Universal Warmer Fits All Feeding Bottles: Glass + Plastic – Wireless Bluetooth Control

 in stock
6 new from $65.99
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as of January 26, 2025 7:24 am


  • Only bottle warmer with Bluetooth and 2 heat settings to safely, evenly & quickly warm breastmilk, formula and baby food
  • Steady Warm mode safely warms or defrosts breastmilk with a warm water bath to preserve its nutrients (unlike traditional warmers that use steam heat which destroys breastmilk proteins)
  • Quick Warm mode rapidly & safely warms formula or baby food with steam heat
  • Use FREE IOS/Android App and Bluetooth to control from your phone and get alerts. Works with all bottle brands/types
  • No more babysitting your bottle: Pick your settings and the warmer selects the proper time to warm your bottle. The warmer beeps & sends you an alert on your phone when finished, then auto shuts-off. 1-year limited warranty. BPA-FREE

Baby Brezza Bottle & Breast Pump Sterilizer Dryer – Electric Steam Sterilizer Machine for Plastic & Glass Bottles, Pump Parts, Pacifiers, Breast Pump Parts – Universal Fit

$124.50  in stock
6 new from $124.50
as of January 26, 2025 7:24 am


  • Automatically sterilizes & dries at the push of a button
  • Natural steam effectively sterilizes any brand/size of bottles, pump parts & accessories; Products remain sterilize inside for up to 24 hours
  • 4 functions: Sterilizer Dryer, Sterilizer Only, Dryer Only or Storage System – No need to use a dirty drying rack again!
  • Large capacity (holds 6 bottles, pump parts and accessories) and has stainless steel heating plate to protect against rust and mineral scale
  • Easy-to-use with push-button LCD control panel; 1 year limited warranty; BPA-FREE

Bubs Formula Organic Grass Fed Toddler Milk 800G

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Last update was on: January 26, 2025 7:24 am

Enfamil Enfamil A+ EnfaCare Baby Formula Powder 363.0 g

Viglink Beauty Boutique CA
Last update was on: January 26, 2025 7:24 am

Enfamil Enfamil A+ Baby Formula, Powder Refill 992.0 g

Viglink Beauty Boutique CA
Last update was on: January 26, 2025 7:24 am

Mylicon Infant Gas Relief, Dye Free Formula - 0.5 oz

Viglink Rite Aid
Last update was on: January 26, 2025 7:24 am

Do Babies Spit Up When Switching Formula

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The Best Formulas for Your Baby’s Needs.

Q: What’s the difference between regular Neuropro and Neuropro Gentlease? 

Enfamil Gentlease Vs Neuropro Recipes. 

Mindy Cockeram. January 20, 2022. 15 Best Baby Formulas for Newborns to Consume in 2022. 

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