Pregnancy headaches, Early in pregnancy, headaches are frequent. They normally become better as your pregnancy progresses. They do not damage your baby, although they may cause you discomfort. Pre-eclampsia can cause major consequences if not monitored and managed, and the pregnancy headaches might be one of the symptoms. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, pre-eclampsia commonly develops.
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Pregnancy headaches
If you get a strong headache, vision issues (such as blurring or seeing flashing lights),
Pain right below your ribs, vomiting, or a sudden rise in swelling of your face, hands, feet, or ankles, call your maternity unit.
Any of these symptoms could indicate pre-eclampsia and should be investigated right away.
You can download a guide about pregnancy headaches from amazon
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Managing headaches during pregnancy
If you’re pregnant, paracetamol is the best pain reliever.
If you must take paracetamol during pregnancy, do it for the shortest time feasible.
Your pharmacist, midwife, or GP can advise you on how much paracetamol to take and for how long.
Some pain relievers, such as those containing codeine and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen,
Should be avoided during pregnancy unless your doctor prescribes them.
You can also make lifestyle adjustments to help avoid and treat headaches. Try to:
To avoid dehydration, drink plenty of water.
a sufficient amount of sleep – To learn more about this rest and relax – read Tiredness and Sleep in Pregnancy.
For example, you may attend a prenatal yoga class.
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When should you call your doctor?
It could be an indication of a more serious medical problem called preeclampsia if you get recurrent headaches that don’t go away with paracetamol.
This is generally accompanied by a rise in the pregnant woman’s blood pressure and kidney issues.
Other major concerns exist for both you and your baby. Pre-eclampsia usually develops during the second trimester of pregnancy.
If you get a pain below your ribcage, feel like you have heartburn, abruptly swell in your face,
Hands, or feet, or have vision issues, see your doctor.
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Migraine medicine is not recommended for migraine sufferers who are pregnant.
It’s also advisable that you try to treat your headache without medication for other headaches.
You could attempt:
increasing the amount of sleep or rest and relaxation
Pregnancy yoga classes or other exercises that promote healthy posture, especially later in your pregnancy, are recommended.
eating balanced, regular meals
If you have a sinus headache, place a warm face cloth over your eyes and nose.
If you have a tension headache, apply a cold pack to the back of your neck, take a bath, or use a hot pack.
If you have a tension headache, massage your neck and shoulders.
If you’re taking medication for a headache or migraine, talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or midwife first. While paracetamol,
Even without codeine, which is generally regarded as safe for use by pregnant women,
Other pain relievers such as aspirin or ibuprofen should be avoided.
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Pregnancy headaches

All in all, About pregnancy headaches, remember that if you have any concerns regarding pre-eclampsia, speak with your doctor or midwife.