Negative pregnancy test, You may be feeling queasy, your breasts may be sore, or you may be experiencing other early indicators of pregnancy, but you’ve taken the test and the results suggest you’re not pregnant. “Can I trust the results?” you might think. A false negative on a pregnancy test means that you are pregnant but the test says you aren’t. On the other hand, you can skip your period without being pregnant. Continue reading to learn what a negative pregnancy test implies.
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equate pregnancy test faint blue line
Negative pregnancy test
You may get a negative pregnancy test result for one of two reasons:
Either you are not pregnant or you are pregnant but tested very early for the pregnancy test you used to detect the hCG ‘pregnancy’ hormone in your body.
The hormone hCG is detected by pregnancy testing.
Which is produced when you get pregnant and keeps rising over the first few months.
You can get your pregnancy test from amazon
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Can I be pregnant and have negative results?
Yes, it’s conceivable. A negative result does not always rule out the possibility of pregnancy.
It could just mean that your hCG levels are too low for the test to identify the hormone in your urine.
Even the most sensitive ‘early detection’ pregnancy tests can only identify pregnancy four to 6 days before your missed cycle
(five days before your expected period), and even then, it won’t be possible to perceive every pregnancy that early.
Also, if you test early in the morning, your test may only identify hCG in your pee when it’s at its peak concentration.
This is also why drinking too much water before taking a home pregnancy test will dilute your hCG levels.
Another reason you can get a negative pregnancy test result is if you’re using an expired test,
(check the packaging for the expiration date) or one that hasn’t been stored properly (keep the test between 2-30°C).
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clear blue pregnancy test results faint line
When is it appropriate to test?
It is determined by the exam. Some tests can detect hCG in your urine up to six days before your period is due.
Follow the instructions on the package to learn what early detection implies for the brand of test you’re using.
Even though all home pregnancy tests profess to be over 99 percent accurate,
Some women still choose to test on the day they expect their period.
Conception often occurs two weeks before your cycle is due.
If you’re trying for a baby, an ovulation test will not only tell you when your fertile days are, but it will also tell you about your cycle.
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Is it possible for me to fail the test?
It’s critical that you read and follow the directions that come with your exam. In this manner, you may be certain of the outcome.
Some tests are easier to read than others – for example,
A test that gives you a result in words like ‘pregnant’ or ‘not pregnant’ is obvious,
But visual tests that need you to interpret lines might be difficult to read and leave you unsure if you’re pregnant or not.
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Negative pregnancy test

Finally, If you’re not sure about a negative pregnancy test result, use a pregnancy test from a reputable brand on the day of your usual period, or test again in three days if you’ve missed your period, and carefully follow the instructions. You may get tested at a clinic or your doctor may suggest that you utilize a different brand of test.