Normal weight gain during pregnancy in kg

Normal weight gain during pregnancy in kg, The increase in the weight of the pregnant mother depends on her original weight before pregnancy, The average weight mother gains in the range of 12 to 17 kilograms during pregnancy, while the skinny mother gains from approximately 14 to 20 kilograms, As for the mother who suffers from being overweight or obese, The rate of her weight gain should not exceed between 7.5 and 12.5 kilograms, here are the main elements that lead to your weight gain during pregnancy, in addition to the feeding pattern for sure, here is normal weight gain during pregnancy in kg.

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Normal weight gain during pregnancy in kg

  • The fetus weighs approximately four kilograms.
  • Placenta: from one kilogram to one and a half kilograms.
  • Amniotic fluid: from one kilogram to one and a half kilograms.
  • Breasts: from one kilogram to one and a half kilograms.
  • Uterus: from 1 kilogram to 2.5 kilograms.
  • Increase in blood volume: approximately 2 kg.
  • Stored fat for breastfeeding: from 2.5 kilograms to five kilograms.

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Tips to maintain weight

Here are some tips to help you control your weight during pregnancy:

  • Organize your food so that you eat it into several small meals, breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner.
  • Make sure to drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
  • Increase the quantities of fresh vegetables and fruits, so that it is not less than three to five fruits per day.
  • Cut back on fried foods and sweets.
  • Make sure to eat plenty of protein useful for building cells, such as meat, eggs, dairy products and legumes.
  • Eat plenty of calcium-rich foods, such as dairy products and milk.
  • Don’t respond to your feeling of hunger if you feel like you’re eating a lot of food.

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normal weight gain during pregnancy

normal weight gain during pregnancy

Is it easy to get rid of the weight gain of the pregnant woman after childbirth?

Let us first agree that weight gain during pregnancy is very normal and important for the growth and safety of the fetus. 

As weight loss during pregnancy causes many complications that may harm the fetus, including:

  • Fetal weight loss at birth.
  • Premature birth.
  • Abortion.

Therefore, the pregnant woman should maintain proper nutrition and healthy foods that ensure weight gain during pregnancy at the normal rate. 

In a manner that does not harm the health of the mother or the fetus.

Pregnant women are divided by body mass index (BMI) before conception into three groups:

  • The first group is pregnant women with a suitable weight and a BMI of 19-25, and the normal rate of weight gain during pregnancy is about 9-12 kg.
  • The second group is women who are overweight and whose BMI is greater than 30. 
  • So they need to gain weight during pregnancy at a rate of less than 9 kg.

Group III Pregnant women with malnutrition and underweight and a BMI of less than 19 should gain approximately 12 kg of weight.

The weight is calculated using the body mass index through the following equation (weight in kilograms/height squared in meters.

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Normal weight gain during pregnancy in kg

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By This way we hope that we could help you get the right information that you are looking for, you can read more about normal weight gain during pregnancy in kg in our articles. 

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