Constipation during pregnancy, Constipation is an uncomfortable side effect of pregnancy. However, you can find relief by making basic, straightforward lifestyle modifications. Medications that may help can also be recommended by your healthcare professional. Your symptoms will usually go away once you have your kid. So what is constipation during pregnancy?
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Constipation during pregnancy
Constipation is a condition in which you are unable to poop or have a bowel movement.
It occurs when food that your body no longer requires (waste) solidifies in the lower section of your digestive tract (bowel),
Rather than passing through as stool.
Constipation is an unpleasant sensation for most people, but it’s considerably more prevalent when you’re pregnant.
The hormonal changes that make pregnancy possible can make you more prone to constipation.
You can download a guide about constipation during pregnancy from amazon
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When does constipation become a problem during pregnancy?
Once your body’s hormone levels rise to support your pregnancy, you may have constipation.
Changes in your first trimester might occur as early as the second or third month.
Constipation is very prevalent during pregnancy
Constipation affects 16 to 39 percent of pregnant women at some stage.
Constipation is most frequent during the third trimester, when the foetus is at its heaviest and places the most strain on your bowel.
Constipation, on the other hand, can strike at any time during the three trimesters.
You may experience constipation for up to three months after the baby is born.
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Constipation during pregnancy causes.
Constipation can be exacerbated by hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy, as well as your daily routines.
Constipation during pregnancy can be caused by a number of circumstances, including: Your body generates more progesterone when you’re pregnant.
Progesterone causes your intestines, or bowel, to relax, making it easier for them to push waste out of your body.
Your body will have more time to absorb nutrients and water from the food you eat as a result of the slowdown.
- Iron from your prenatal vitamin:
The iron in your prenatal vitamin aids in the production of blood, which is necessary for the circulation of oxygen throughout your and your baby’s bodies.
However, too much iron might make it difficult for microorganisms in your intestine to break down food.
Drinking enough water to soften the excrement lodged in your bowels will only exacerbate the situation.
Constipation can be caused by a build-up of waste.
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What are the signs and symptoms of constipation?
It feels good to let go of a stool. Constipation has the exact opposite effect. You’ll know you’re constipated if:
You can only poop a couple times every week.
Your gut is distended and gassy, and you’re straining to poop.
Your stools are lumpy and hard when you poop. It’s unpleasant to pass them since they’re so dry.
Constipation can cause or aggravate haemorrhoids and anal fissures. Both symptoms are frequent during pregnancy, much like constipation.
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All in all, Constipation during pregnancy is common, but it doesn’t necessarily signal what you’re expecting. There are more accurate techniques to determine whether or not you are pregnant, such as using a pregnancy test.