Pregnancy calculator by conception date

Pregnancy calculator by conception date, When will your kid get born? Based on the date of your last menstrual cycle, conception date, IVF 3-day or 5-day transfer date, or date of your last ultrasound, use our pregnancy calculator to determine your due date, so here are some details about the pregnancy calculator by conception date.

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Pregnancy calculator by conception date

For women who have a pretty regular menstrual cycle, 

Calculating your due date based on the first day of your last period works well. 

The LMP approach, however, may not work for you if your cycle is erratic.

You and your practitioner can use your conception date instead, 

If you recall it because a reliable expected date of delivery (EDD) is vital. 

Simply multiply your expected due date by 266 days.

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The first day of the final period

Because most pregnancies last approximately 40 weeks 

Counting 40 weeks (or 280 days) 

beginning with the first day of your most recent menstrual cycle

(or 38 weeks from conception) is usually the best approach to predict your due date (LMP).

Another way is to subtract three months from the beginning of your previous menstruation and then add seven days to the end.

So, if your last period started on April 11th,

You’d go back three months to January 11 and add seven days, resulting in a January 18 due date.

This is how your doctor will calculate your due date, and it’s a fairly accurate estimate. 

But keep in mind that it’s perfectly typical to deliver a week or two early or after the due date.

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Ultrasound examination

Other clues can help you and your practitioner calculate your due date during your first prenatal checkup, 

Even if you can’t remember when you conceived, forget the day of your last menstrual period, 

Or aren’t sure when ovulation occurred.

An early ultrasound can help to date the pregnancy more precisely. 

Just keep in mind that not all women receive an early ultrasound. 

Some doctors conduct these on a regular basis, while others will only recommend one if your periods are irregular, 

You’re 35 or older, you’ve had a history of losses or pregnancy difficulties, 

Or your due date cannot be established based on your physical exam and LMP.

Pregnancy milestones like hearing the baby’s heartbeat for the first time (around week 9 or 10, though this can vary)

And feeling fetal movement for the first time 

(on average between 18 and 22 weeks, but it might be earlier or later) 

Can help you figure out if your due date is correct.

At each prenatal visit, your practitioner will measure your fundal height,

Which is the distance between your pubic bone and the top of your uterus, to assist confirm your due date.

The size of your uterus, which will be measured at your first internal pregnancy exam, 

Can also play a role in determining the EDD.

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Is it possible to schedule my due date?

You can try to timing when you conceive in order to “plan” your due date, 

Whether you want to avoid being very pregnant in the heat of summer,

Or are a teacher who wants to optimize time off with your child. 

Even if you’re one of the fortunate ones who can get pregnant whenever she wants, 

Keep in mind that you won’t be able to plan out exactly when you’ll give birth to the day 

(or even the week or month!).

Still, you may use our Ovulation Calculator, 

Which utilizes the date of your last menstrual period and the length of your usual cycle to figure out, 

When you’re most fertile and increase your chances of getting pregnant.

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YouTube video

These were some important details about the pregnancy calculator by conception date, that you can use if you need some help.


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